Chapter 16: A Bit Tied Up at the Moment*

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After a near silent drive home, we arrive home to our house. As we get out of the car in the garage, Spencer looks at me and says "go inside, I'm going to go talk to the detail and ask them if they found anything." I'm about to protest before Spencer gives me a serious look that tells me not to fight him on this. I nod and go inside, closing the garage door and locking the door behind me as I go in the house. I walk towards the front of the house and watch Spencer as he walks over to talk to the agents stationed in front of our house.
They talk seriously and there are a few gestures made towards and around the house. Spencer nods and makes his way towards the house, walking up the steps to the front porch. I open the door and let him in before he has to get his keys out to open the front door. He walks in and I can tell by the cold chill I get from him that we are about to have a fight. I ask him "what's wrong, Spencer?" Spencer sighs "nothing, just that we made a sex tape at my work." I laugh humorlessly "not that somebody is stalking the two of us? You're not completely blameless in our sex tape, either."
        Spencer looks frustrated and defeated as he responds "I know, but..we still shouldn't have done it." I shrug "Hotch just said to make sure the camera was covered or like turned off next time. I honestly don't think he has a problem with it and you didn't even really get in trouble." Spencer nods and doesn't respond, sitting down on the couch and putting his head in his hands. I walk over and sit next to him, gently rubbing his back. I tell him "I know you're scared. I am, too." He nods and says "I just wish I could keep you safe." I nod "I know, I want to do the same for you, Spence." Spencer says "we need safe words."
I laugh and say "we have some already, remember the stop light system?" Spencer shakes his head "no, I know. We need specific words we can use to signal if everything is okay or if something is wrong." I nod "like if somebody has us on the phone and is telling us to say if we are okay or not?" He nods "exactly, it has to be something subtle that wouldn't signal to anybody else if things weren't okay." I nod "what's like something sweet we can call each other that we don't call each other that is so off that it would signal to the other that something is wrong?" Spencer tells me "I could call you 'Lise' if something is wrong? I know you hate it but I never use it and it could definitely signal that something is wrong." I nod "I do hate it, but it would be effective."
         Spencer nods and continues "you could call me what Lila called me. She called me 'Spencie' or 'honeybun' and I hated it then and still hate it now. I just put up with it to keep her happy." I nod and then a realization dawns on me. I ask him "are there any nicknames I call you that you don't like?" Spencer chuckles and shakes his head "I like every pet name you have for me." I raise a brow and ask him "are you just saying that to keep me happy?" He shakes his head "no, I really do like all the nicknames you have for me." I ask him "even when I call you bubs?" Spencer smiles "I love it when you call me that. Trust me, if I didn't like it, then I would tell you."
          I respond "you better tell me. I just don't want you to dislike me calling you anything. I never want to make you uncomfortable or unhappy, Spence." He gives me a warm smile in response "you always make me happy, Annie." I give him a warm smile and nod. I take his hands in mine and tell him "we are going to be okay, Spencer." He nods and squeezes my hand "yes we are." We share a soft kiss. He pulls back and says "if you're up for it, I want you to start training with Morgan again." I nod and tell him "you should, too. Just because of this stalker. I think you're in great shape, but we both need to be prepared for this stalker person."
         Spencer nods "would you be interested in doing simulations? I know you're not an agent, but you never know how you're going to respond in a situation if you aren't prepared for it." I nod "if all the people that run the simulations are okay with doing it on their down time, then yeah I'll do it." Spencer nods "it would just be you, me, Morgan, Garcia, and maybe Hotch." I nod "y'all spend almost all of your time together anyway. You guys need like a dorm or something." Spencer laughs and nods "thankfully, I married a woman who understands my job and works hard to maintain relationships with me and with the people I work with who are practically my family."
       I give him a small smile and tell him "it really isn't much of you to ask of me. I love you and I support you." His face practically glows at that. He tells me "that's all I ever wanted from Lila and I never got it. I got everything I ever wanted with you. You're the total package." I blush and tell him "you were the first man to ever take the time to learn me and to listen to me. You never pushed me one way or another or left me doubting how you felt about me." Spencer nods and tells me "that's the bare minimum, Annie. I hope I can go above and beyond your expectations for the rest of our lives." I smile and nod "you already have, every day, Spencer."
         He smiles and presses his lips to mine once more. After a minute or so of kissing on the couch, he gently pulls away. He stands and reaches his hand out for mine, gently pulling me to stand from the couch. He tells me "it's been a long day, so we are going to take a shower, get in our pajamas, cook a frozen pizza in the oven for dinner, and watch Bluey until we fall asleep." I nearly tear up at his suggestion and nod "that might be the sweetest thing you've ever done for me?" Spencer chuckles "I don't know, the picnic in the empty house required a lot more planning ahead than this did." I laugh as I follow his lead, still holding his hand.

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