Chapter 9: Sundae Fun Day*

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🚨 Trigger Warning 🚨
There is discussion of postpartum depression in this chapter. If that is something that can be potentially upsetting for you, I suggest you skip to the end of this chapter. After the second ••••• there will be no more mentions of PPD AND YOU WILL WANT TO STICK AROUND FOR THAT PART I PROMISEEE.

The couch was delivered later that afternoon. It is a ginormous sectional we were able to afford with the money we made selling our combined things we didn't need anymore between the apartment and Spencer's storage unit. Spencer really only cared about his books and some of his clothes, I fought to keep more of his stuff than he did. The new tv will be mounted above the fireplace soon, Morgan is going to do that for us hopefully within the next week if they don't get called in to a big case. My mom left this morning on her flight, Spencer and I drove her to the airport after we got her rental car squared away.
        Spencer and I are now lounging on opposite ends of the new couch, loving the purchase even more by the second. I tell Spencer "this was by far my favorite purchase we've made as a couple." Spencer chuckles "the house isn't your favorite?" I hum and tell him "right now I love the couch more, it isn't a fixer upper." Spencer chuckles and a comfortable silence falls between us again. Spencer asks me after a bit "you sure you don't want to open the pool?" I shrug "it's the end of July and I'm sure it's going to require maintenance and chemicals and I just don't feel like bothering with it if we will only have maybe a month to enjoy it. Besides I can lay out by the pool without it being open." Spencer chuckles "you make a fair point. We should focus more on getting the right furniture and renovating the upper level."
         I smile and tell him "I'm glad we both agree that I'm right." Spencer smiles "I know better than to argue with you over things like that." I giggle "yes but you will argue with me about things you're passionate about." Spencer smirks and nods "true." I stand and walk over to his side of the new couch. He welcomes me with open arms and I lay on top of him carefully. My head is on his lower chest and my legs are between his. He gently plays with my hair and I tell him "I'm glad you're home. I missed you." I can almost hear his smile as he responds "I missed you, too, Annie." I tell Spencer "I need to make a meal for Alison and Luke later and take it over to them, do you want to go with me and you can meet the new baby?"
Spencer doesn't miss a beat "absolutely, do you want me to help you cook?" I nod "if you let me be controlling just a tad." Spencer chuckles "you're the boss in the kitchen." I laugh "and you're the boss in the bedroom?" He shrugs "when you want me to be. I'm starting to love it when you take charge. The other night was hot." I smile to myself, feeling my face heat up. I ask and angle my head to look at him "how is it that I feel more comfortable with you than I do with myself in my own body, but you can still make me blush?" He smiles and says "I don't know, but you have the same effect on me."
         I lie there in his embrace as he continues to play with my hair. I ask him "is it selfish to be thankful for not having kids? I'm going to miss this free time we have together when we have a baby." Spencer chuckles "I think we will find a way." I stay silent, letting my mind wander aimlessly. Spencer asks me after a bit "will you tell me what's really on your mind, angel?" My heart flutters a bit at the name and I tell him "seeing Alison go through having a baby just has me emotional and just really in my head." Spencer hums and asks "how so?" I shrug and say "it was really sweet seeing it from beginning to end but also scary. Alison was terrified and in pain. I always knew that was part of it but I've never been that close to it. They were both exhausted and wild eyed when we came back the next day. It was really sweet seeing them interact with each other and with the baby, though."
         Spencer hums again "well, it's not going to be easy in any sense of the word. Children, especially newborns require a lot of time and attention and work but I can't think of anybody else I want to do it with." I blush and squeeze him just a bit. I ask him "so you're willing to have a baby with me one day?" Spencer scoffs "no I just married you because I wanted to have a really expensive party for no good reason." I laugh against him and tell him "it's just a lot and it's scary to experience it as an outsider. I can't imagine experiencing it as the parents." Spencer responds "well childbirth is always going to be scary like that. However, we have the rest of our lives to figure out raising children and we can do it together."
           I hum and ask him "for now can we just focus on the practicing part?" Spencer laughs and says "you mean sex?" I laugh and shake my head "no I meant practice taking care of babies." Spencer turns pink and says "oh," looking disappointed. I chuckle and tell him "sex is a given, don't worry." He perks up a bit at that and I tell him "okay, but first we have to cook dinner for Alison and Luke and take it to them." Spencer gives me a wide grin before saluting me and saying "aye aye captain." He smacks my ass and gently helps me get up so we can get to work on the dinner in the kitchen.

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