Chapter 30: Happy Birthday, Rossi!*

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         Weeks have passed and my morning sickness is getting less constant. It's more like random moments of sickness that hit hard for about 30 minutes or so, but I've only had a few of those moments a day instead of constant sickness. It especially happens when I smell something that makes my stomach turn. I currently hate the smell of eggs, oranges, some perfumes and colognes, and coffee, much to Spencer's disappointment. He's had to move the coffee maker to the basement and get disposable cups with lids to help limit the smell. He really tries to drink most of his coffee at work and out of the house. I wouldn't ask him to give up coffee for me like he wouldn't ask me to give up Diet Coke for him.
         What has been bothering me more lately has been the soreness of my boobs. I wonder if it's been bothering me for a while and I just hadn't fully noticed because I was so sick. I never thought they would hurt this bad before I had the baby. It makes me nervous for when the baby is actually here. I haven't really mentioned this to Spencer, but I think he can tell something is wrong. I'm kind of embarrassed about it, but I know I really shouldn't be. Spencer is in his office working from home, he's been putting in as little time as possible at the BAU and only going on cases that aren't a far flight away. I told him to go and get distracted from everything, that I needed some time to rest and nest by myself anyway.
            It's sweet that he's so worried about me and so involved in the process. He's been treating me like I'll break if he accidentally touches me too hard. I just wish he would treat me like normal sometimes. He hasn't even wanted to have sex the last few weeks and something about pregnancy has been making me a whole new level of horny I've never felt before the last couple of weeks. He never makes any advances like he normally would. The soft gentle touches stop there, every night we sleep together his hands never wander like they normally would. Usually he is somehow gently instigating it 3 or 4 times a week, rarely ever pushing it if I say no. I'm worried he's starting to find me less attractive or something now that I'm pregnant.
I stand in the doorway of his home office, waiting for him to look up at me. He's so deep in thought that he doesn't look up. I walk across the room and around behind the desk, he looks up finally when I approach him. A smile spreads on his face when he realizes I've walked up, but it's quickly changed into an expression of concern when he sees the look of discomfort on my face.
       He asks me "what's wrong? Do you feel sick?" I walk over to him and lean on his desk. He gently places a hand on my arm and rubs his thumb back and forth. I shake my head "no, I haven't had any morning sickness in a while thankfully." Spencer asks "then what's wrong? You look upset." I sigh and tell him "it's kind of embarrassing." He cocks his head to the side, confused, and asks "what is it?" I sigh again and tell him "my boobs really bad." Spencer chuckles and says "that's normal in pregnancy." I hang my head a bit and say "I know."
         Spencer laughs and says "want me to try to help?" I nod with a bit of a pout. He chuckles again and clears the desk before he lifts me to sit on it. He lifts my t shirt up and off of me. I smile a bit shyly and he takes my right breast in his hands, gently massaging the whole breast, especially paying attention to the nipple. I lean back on my hands and try to stifle my moans. Spencer smirks at me a bit when he sees how much his hands affect me. I know I've been reactive in the past when he's played with my breasts, but it's never been like this - I've never been this sensitive. He moves to the other breast, giving it an equal amount of attention and massage.
          My breathing has picked up and I think Spencer is surprised by but still proud of how my body is reacting to his touch. After he's given my left breast plenty of attention, he moves one hand back to my right breast and continues to massage both equally. My eyes nearly roll back in my head at the feeling. The wave of pleasure sneaks up on me and I couldn't have stopped it if I wanted to in that moment. I grip the front of the desk with my hands and curl my toes as my legs hang off the edge of the desk. The waves of pleasure hit me one after another and Spencer continues to massage my breasts at the same speed until I beg him to stop from the sensitivity.
He kisses my cheek and asks me smugly "feel better?" I catch my breath and nod, breathing heavily. He gently picks me up and sits down in his office chair, holding me in his lap. He gently caresses my shoulder and leg with his hands where he is holding me. I'm still topless and all he can look at is my face. He asks me "do you want to go lie down in bed? Get a cold compress for your breasts and see if maybe that helps more?" My face drops into one of sadness. Spencer looks both confused and concerned at my expression. He asks me "what's wrong? Did that make it worse?" I stand in front of him frustrated as I put both hands on either side of him on the arm rests of his office chair.
I sigh and tell him "Spencer, what would really make me feel better in this moment is if you fuck me hard over this desk." I watch his pupils dilate and his Adams Apple bob in response. He opens his mouth to speak but I cut him off asking "do you just not find me attractive anymore now that I'm pregnant? You've hardly touched me since we found out." I quickly wipe a tear I didn't mean to let slip. Spencer stands in front of me, he quickly and gently takes my face in his hands. He tells me as he shakes his head erratically "no no no, that's not it at all. I just...I-I thought that you wouldn't want to do anything since you haven't been feeling well. You're having my baby, the last thing I want to do is make you feel like you have to do anything you don't want to do. I was afraid to make you feel like I was pressuring you or something. I'm even more afraid to hurt you or the baby. Believe me you're even more attractive to me than ever when you're carrying my child."
Another tear falls as I process what he's saying. He wipes the tear with his thumb. I ask him "so you still think I'm sexy?" He chuckles and nods "yes, I still think you're very sexy." I close the distance between us and attach my lips to his, kissing him deeply. After a few seconds I pull away and ask him "now will you please fuck me over this desk?" Spencer chuckles and says softly in light protest "I just don't want to hurt you." I smile softly and tell him "I'll let you know if you hurt me, don't hold back." Spencer gulps as I push my pajama shorts and underwear down and lean over the desk.
I look back over my shoulder at him and he hesitates briefly before quickly dropping his sweat pants and boxers, not even bothering with his t shirt. His dick is hard and leaking pre cum, he was hiding his lust well this whole time. I look straight forward and grip the edge of the desk, biting my lip with excited anticipation. He pushes my legs further apart and rubs his leaking cock against my wet folds. He groans in satisfaction at the feeling before gently pushing the tip inside of me. My eyes nearly roll back in my head at the feeling of him. He continues to push his length into me slowly, making me moan and bite my tongue to keep from begging him for more.
         He gently lifts my upper body off of the desk by gently wrapping a hand around my neck and pulling my back against his front, more so with the hand on my shoulder than the hand around my neck. Spencer says softly "you've never looked more beautiful to me Knowing that you're carrying my child has made me want to make love to you on any surface you'd allow."
He slowly pulls himself out of me before plunging himself back in. I ask him "Spencer, please, faster." He grunts and begins to pick up the pace making me moan louder than before. He holds my hips to keep me from moving up the desk as he pounds into me. He feels so good, this is exactly what I wanted. He tells me "the last thing I want to do is hurt my angel or our baby, so I've been holding myself back." He moves one hand and takes his thumb to my clit, rubbing it back and forth quickly and bringing on my second orgasm with little warning. I scream out "fuck, Spencer, fuck I'm going to cum again." He doesn't lose his pace in the slightest with his thrusts or his thumb. I reach my end very quickly and fall over the edge. He removes his thumb, but doesn't slow his thrusts. My legs are shaking and he tells me "give me one more, one more, my beautiful angel."
He quickly pulls himself out of me, flips me over onto my back on the desk, and enters me again before I can even protest. He pulls my hips closer to the edge and lifts my legs up to rest against his chest and my feet are by his ears. He somehow manages to thrust even deeper inside of me, making me hold on to the edge of the desk to avoid being fucked off the desk. He again takes his hand to my clit, this time rubbing it in slow circles. I cry out and say "fuck, yes, Spencer." He smiles down at me and tells me "cum for me, angel." At his words I fall over the edge, legs shaking uncontrollably. Spencer continues thrusting and I can feel them getting sloppier as he pulses inside of me. He waits until I've hit my peak and am coming down before I feel him release inside of me. I've missed that feeling these last few months. He pulls out of me, making us both groan, out of pleasure or disappointment I'm unsure.
We both catch our breath for just a moment, he smiles lazily at me and connects our lips. When our lips part he tells me "I love you, Annie." I smile back at him and say "I love you, too, Spencer." He leaves a sloppy trail of kisses down my body and plants a kiss on my stomach. He says softly against my stomach "and I love you, my little strawberry." Who needs an app to tell you how big the baby is when you have Spencer Reid? He draws little shapes on my stomach making me giggle. He talks to the baby for just a second before telling me "let me get something to clean you up."
He pulls his pants and underwear back on and moves to leave the room when the doorbell rings. I turn to him and make eye contact as I say "I guess you won't be doing that." I stand and put my underwear and shorts back on. Spencer says "it's unbelievably hot when you do that." I shrug and ask him "then why do you insist on cleaning me up every time almost?" He shrugs and says "I guess I just like taking care of you and I can't imagine it feels that comfortable." I shrug and tell him "it's not the worst thing ever." The doorbell rings again and Spencer walks over and answers it, revealing Derek holding some contracting equipment for the upstairs bedroom and bathroom.
         Derek chuckles and asks "did I interrupt something? I told you I was coming over." I look at Spencer and he gives me a grimace and says "yeah, I forgot to mention it to Annie that you were coming over tonight." Derek laughs "so I did interrupt something. Don't let me spoil your fun, love birds, when the baby comes you won't have as many opportunities for sexy time." I grimace and say "yeah, I'm just going to go take a shower now." Derek chuckles and looks at Spencer "go put that double shower head I installed for you both to good use." I turn to Morgan "I'm not having sex with my husband while you're actively working on my house." Derek chuckles "suit yourself." I nod politely and look at my husband and say "Spencer, go help him."
         Spencer nods submissively and goes with Derek to help him on the upstairs while I go to take a shower. I can tell I'm starting to show just a bit, at least when I'm naked, I really just look bloated to anybody who doesn't know. I take a nice warm shower, not as warm as I would want because it's not good for the baby for the water to be too hot. It doesn't take me long to finish the cleaning part of the shower, but I stand under the warm water, just enjoying the warm stream. I hear a knock and Spencer walks in to the bathroom. He says "hey, it's just me." I turn off the water and start to dry off.
       He asks me "are you mad at me?" I look at him and chuckle slightly as I wrap my hair in a towel "no, I was just not expecting company. Did he not need help?" Spencer shakes his head "he had some questions about what we were wanting and after I answered them he said I should go check on you." I laugh as I wrap my towel around my body "no, Spence, I'm fine. I'm sorry if I was acting bitchy, I just didn't know how to respond." Spencer nods quietly. I close the distance between us and tell him "you know you were amazing in there, right? You gave me exactly what I wanted." He smiles and blushes as he responds "it definitely felt good for me, too." I smile and run my nails through his scalp as I tell him "don't hesitate to ask for what you want, especially when I'm in this horny part of pregnancy."
        He laughs and says "you went from sickly to horny real quick." I shrug and tell him "the hormones are weird for sure." I kiss him on the lips and tell him "I'm not mad, just not always a fan of your team being able to profile us and read into the situations. I know they can't easily turn it off." Spencer nods "and Morgan can read me very well." I nod and tell him "go see if he needs more help and offer for him to stay for dinner. I don't know what I'll make but I'll give him some food for working on our house for free pretty much." Spencer nods and kisses me again before leaving the bathroom.

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