Chapter 34: The Great Pumpkin*

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I don't think anybody realizes how hard it is to live with Spencer Reid for almost 10 weeks and not have sex with him. It was easier to avoid sex when we were recovering from things because we were pretty distracted. Thankfully, though once I hit about 32 weeks I felt very unsexy and my libido dropped a ridiculous amount. Spencer was very concerned until I told him I just felt gross and sex sounded awful. I believe his exact words were "well okay, I guess we know our child listens to me already." He laughed and I told him to shut up. He laughed again and said "we went from you hating me in the beginning to you loving me and not being able to get your hands off of me in the middle to the point of having to be put on pelvic rest and now you hate me again?"
I shrug "it's your fault I'm miserable." Spencer chuckles "it'll all be worth it, I promise. Do you want a foot rub?" I let the man rub my feet and it was glorious. He really has magic hands in more ways than just sexually. He has been very caring as well as careful in the last almost 10 weeks. I picked out our Halloween costumes - he's going to be Charlie Brown and I'm going to be the great pumpkin. A very minimalistic Halloween costume choice for sure. I'm not putting body paint on or anything extra like that while I'm pregnant.
Spencer called me and asked me to come up to the office and bring him a late lunch since they were going to be there all day. I was excited to do it because that meant I got to be out of bed and drive myself, however it is a lot harder now that my baby bump hits the steering wheel. I had to back up the seat quite a bit in my car. I picked him up a sandwich in a drive through on my way to his office and waddle my way up to his office. The receptionists offer to help, but I tell them I've got it. I get in the elevator and wait in a calm silence until the elevator door opens. I walk out and through the glass doors of the BAU office. Emily finds me and tells me "hey I'm just coming back from the bathroom, everybody is in the round table room working." She walks slowly with me as I waddle towards Spencer's location.
I walk in the round table room and everybody yells "surprise!" I look up and the room is decorated in pink with a banner that says "baby genius coming soon." Spencer wraps me in a hug and says "they wanted to throw you a baby shower. I hope you're not mad." My eyes well with tears as I shake my head "no this is so sweet, Spencer." He smiles and kisses my forehead. There's a pink cake with Katie's full name on it and a table full of gifts. There's a big office chair in the corner and Spencer helps me to it. He tells me "now you stay sitting down, I know we are in the clear now, but the longer she can cook the better." I laugh and tell Spencer "I'm not an oven." He sways his head back and forth as he says "for all intents and purposes right now you are."
I laugh and everybody individually comes up to me and rubs my belly - with my permission of course - and talks to me. Emily and Penelope have taken to calling the baby "Katie Di" as a play on Lady Di or Princess Diana, may she rest in peace. Penelope asks "how is Katie Di doing? Is she behaving?" I smile and nod "I just feel like a hot air balloon with legs right now." JJ pulls up a chair next to me and says "I know how you feel." She's in her third trimester with her next baby, they've decided on the name Michael. Penelope makes sure everybody has a piece of cake and some punch when she announces "in just a few minutes we are going to start opening gifts!"
Well that's me, so I try to quickly eat my cake so I don't hold everybody up. Halfway through the cake part, Killian shows up. She smiles and walks over to hug me "I'm sorry I couldn't make it earlier, there was an emergency at work, but I took the rest of the day off." I smile and hug her as I tell her "thank you for all you've done for us." She smiles and says "you would do the same for me." The guys are happy and good sports about being surrounded by so much pink. I'm given to understand that Morgan has come a long way from his toxic masculinity and he is very happy to be surrounded by pink when celebrating a new baby.
When everybody finished the cake and punch, Penelope gets started on leading the present brigade. The BAU went all out. JJ got us plenty of baby clothes and other functional items we didn't know we needed, Emily got me a case of Diet Coke for when the baby comes and I can drink as much of it as I want, Penelope got us plenty of baby toys that Katie can play with and plenty of personalized items, Hotch and Killian got us a nice high chair and high chair attachment for our island, Morgan got us a car seat stroller combination, and Rossi got us a fancy swing that vibrates and plays music and stuff for the baby. There are also plenty of clothes and bibs and other little trinkets thrown in there. I'm very excited that JJ got me plenty of nipple cream - I'm shocked by how excited I am actually.
         I'm in awe of the love shown for Spencer, the baby, and myself. This group really is like a family. Spencer and the guys load up his car while I sit and chat with the girls. Penelope tells me "after our little baby genius is here then I will bring you guys all the groceries and meals that you need. Just call auntie Penelope and she will provide." I smile and thank her. I tell her "also my mom is planning to come for a while. Well my dad will probably come for a while, too, but I think my mom will stay a while and I'm not upset about that." JJ smiles "my mom and I have a complicated relationship, but when Henry was born I was very happy to have her help." I smile at her and give her a little side hug.
        Spencer returns and tells me "okay let's head home, I'll follow you there in my car." I ask him "don't you have work to do?" Hotch shrugs "he is caught up on everything and thankfully we don't have a case right now." Emily says "knock on wood," and knocks on the wooden table. Spencer gives me a funny look and whispers "let's get out of here before that changes." I laugh and take his hand, calling out thank you's to the team as we walk towards the elevator. Spencer has to slow down his pace a lot, I'm waddling with his baby inside of me.
        He looks so good in his plaid shirt and his vest and his tie and his dress pants. He even wore loafers today instead of converse but I know he still has mismatched socks on his feet. In the elevator he smiles at me and tells me "I can see what they mean about pregnancy, you're definitely glowing, angel." I smile and I'm sure I blush as I feel heat rise to my cheeks. I ask him "you love me, right?" His eyebrows furrow together in confusion as he responds "yes, absolutely?" I then ask him "and you still find me very attractive even when I'm pregnant with your baby?" His eyebrows now shoot up and he nods "absolutely." I look him in the eye and tell him "then you're going to get us both home safely and make love to me, more than once." Spencer gulps as he nods "oh-okay."

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