Chapter 5: Fireworks*

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        Spencer pulls me down the bed towards him by my hips. He kisses my lips sloppily and says "stop me if I'm hurting you. No arguments." I nod "yes, sir." He pulls away from me reluctantly. He pulls his cuffs from his pocket and asks me "okay?" I nod "fuck yes it's okay." He laughs at my eagerness and flips me over before I have a chance to protest. He cuffs my hands together behind my back and gently lifts me and places me further up the bed. He slowly pulls down my bikini bottoms ever so slowly, making me shiver in anticipation. His hands travel back up my body to the top of my coverup dress and he gently pulls that down my body as well, leaving me in only my bikini top.
He climbs up my body and straddles me. He then gently unties the bikini top around my back and around my neck before pulling it out from under me. He gently runs his hands up and down my back in a massaging motion before he moves his body and his hands travels down to my ass and my core. Spencer lightly trails a finger through my folds at an agonizingly slow pace. He doesn't continue this action very long but it has me quivering at his touch all the same. He leans back up and hums in thought before picking up a pillow and walking back over to the bed. He gently but firmly lifts my hips and slides the pillow under them so that I'm not uncomfortable.
He asks me "that feel better?" I hum in affirmation which earns me a painful slap on the ass. He tells me "is that how you're supposed to speak to me right now?" I shake my head and say "no sir, I'm sorry." He hums and says "you're forgiven this time." I know he's just going easy on my because it's been a while since we participated in this whole dynamic. Spencer walks away over to the direction of his bag and I hear him rummaging as he says "one of the advantages of this surprise trip is that I could pack all the fun toys I wanted without you seeing them, all the while you couldn't pack any." I hear the snap of what sounds like a shampoo bottle - I'm guessing lube - and then I hear buzzing shortly after.
He takes what I'm assuming is a vibrator to my heat, circling it on my clit. I moan in pleasure and Spencer asks me "that feel good?" I nod "yes, sir." He chuckles mirthlessly and says "just wait." Before I have a chance to question him, the tip of the vibrator is at my entrance pushing inside of me. Once it is settled inside of me, something else immediately starts vibrating on my clit. I figure out quickly that the two are attached. Spencer asks me "I'm going to cuff your feet with cuffs that are larger and have a longer chain than my work cuffs. What's your color?" I'm shaking as I say "gr-green." He quickly takes my feet and cuffs my left foot before looping the chain around the chain of my handcuffs and then cuffs the right foot so that I'm stuck with my legs bent and open.
He asks me "are you okay? Answer honestly." I nod "I'm green, I'm good." He nods and moves to sit by the headboard of the bed where he can watch my face as I writhe in pleasure. He gently pushes hair out of my face and tells me "I want you good and overstimulated so you know just who you belong to, princess. This is just the pregame. I nod and try to speak, but can't get out any words. Spencer tells me calmly and quietly "now, usually, I want you to wait for my permission to have an orgasm. Not tonight, tonight I don't want you to fight them at all. You'll be punished if I think you're holding back, and you have many tells so don't even try with me. I nod, stopping the fight I had been putting up with my first orgasm of, I assume, many for the night. He hums and nods "yes, angel, just like that. Don't fight them."
         I shudder as the orgasm tapers off and Spencer smiles a saccharine sweet smile at me. He gently lifts my chin and asks me "that feel good?" I nod shakily "y-yes sir." He chuckles evilly and gently plays with my hair as the vibrations roar through my body. With no reprieve in between, the orgasms flood through me in succession and I have lost count of how many I've had. Spencer stays with me the whole time, just watching happily as I writhe in near agonizing pleasure at his hands. I don't know how long I'm laying there, constantly letting out whorish moans in pleasure, before he finally stands and removes the vibrator from my body. He returns to where he was sitting before, right in front of me, and then he gently cradles my head and asks me "color?" I nod "yellow, water and a break." He nods, wasting no time in uncuffing me.
He quickly returns with water for me and a straw so I can easily drink it. He gently lays on the bed, leaning against the headboard and pulls me to rest on his body and between his legs. He gently caresses my body as I catch my breath. We sit in a comfortable almost silence as Spencer hums calming melodies near my ears. As the brain fog clears, the want for Spencer only grows with urgency and passion. I ask him "Spencer?" He hums in response. I continue "that was fun, but please will you fuck me now?" Spencer chuckles as he smooths my hair out of my face "oh is that what you want? I thought you might just be utterly spent." I chuckle "I am, but I still want your dick inside of me."
He laughs and nods "whatever my wife wants, she gets. Do you have any preferences?" I think for a second and he stops me, I guess I was taking too long, "okay I'm picking then." I nod and move to get face down, ass up. He chuckles "that's not what I said." I hum "you were going to, though." He laughs again and says "actually no, let's do it this way." As he's speaking he quickly flips me back over to lay on my back. He walks over to his suitcase and comes back with leather cuffs connected with a leather strap as well as his work issued cuffs. He tells me "sit up and put your hands behind your head baby." I do as he says and chuckle as I think out loud "sounds like you're arresting me, agent."
        His dominant persona cracks just a bit but he quickly fixes it when he says "it's doctor, not agent." I hum and say "sorry, doctor. Am I under arrest?" He chuckles derisively and says "only if you don't do what I ask." He takes the leather cuffs and attaches one to my left knee and loops the leather strap connecting the cuffs behind my head and around the chain of the handcuffs before locking the second leather cuff around my knee. Spencer gently lays me down against the pillows and he undresses in front of me. I'm spread eagle in front of him and helpless to physically change the situation myself.
         He tells me "I bought a few new things that hopefully wouldn't over extend your flexibility, but could still get the job done. We are just getting back into things and I don't want to injure you further when I'm supposed to be doing the opposite. Do you like it, are you comfortable?" I hum and nod, I should be more scared of Spencer, but I know under this dominant persona that he truly loves me and would never hurt me. If anything, the incident has only strengthened my trust in Spencer. He's standing butt naked at the foot of the bed now, his member standing tall and hard at the ready. Spencer chuckles as I stare at him "you like what you see?"
         I nod "very much, sir." He chuckles and climbs up the bed towards me. He stops between my legs and says "it would be such a shame to deny myself a taste of you, especially with you in such a beautiful position." I squirm a bit and he holds my hips down a bit harshly, but not in a way that hurts. He tells me "if you really don't want me to do this, you know the words." I nod and watch as he lowers my his mouth to my heat. I'm overly sensitive from the many orgasms I've already had from the vibrator. Spencer wastes no time as he laps at my clit with unchanging speed and then takes to finger to my entrance. He thrusts them in and out, positioning them so they rub against my g spot with every thrust. I couldn't hold back the orgasm if I tried at this point.
Spencer doesn't slow his actions as I ride out my high. He moans in response and the vibrations against my sensitive skin make me cry out even louder. He doesn't continue the torture after he's sure I've come down from the high. He kisses his way up my body before capturing my lips with his. I taste myself on his tongue and it sends the butterflies flapping wildly in my stomach. He hums and pulls away from me, gently rubbing circle in my hips with his thumbs as he asks me "what's your color?" I nod "I'm green. Please, Spence." He quickly presses his lips one more time to mine before lining up at my entrance and pushing into me. We both let out a combination of a moan and a sigh at the sensation of him fully sheathed inside of me before he begins to thrust at a faster pace.
He asks me "angel, who do you belong to, hmm?" I cry out before choking out the words "y-you, Spencer." I gulp in a breath of air and continue "only you." He nods and moans in pleasure before he says "absolutely right, so good for me, baby. So good for me." I let out whorish moans as his thrusts stimulate the very sensitive areas from all the orgasms I've had tonight. He hums and says "that's right, I want to hear all of your pretty noises while I fuck you." I moan louder at his words, so deliciously overstimulated. He takes his hand to my clit and rubs it from side to side furiously as he doesn't miss a beat with his thrusts.
I'm loving every second of this but still pulling at my restraints with everything in me. I always love what Spencer does to me but I can't stop myself from fighting the restraints when I'm being overstimulated by him. My orgasm hits me like a train with no warning and I cry out in pleasure and pull against the cuffs. Spencer meets his end with me and I feel him fill me up with his seed as we both reach our high at the same time. I then hear a click and feel the resistance of the cuffs disappear completely. Without thinking, I reach up and pull Spencer's face to mine, kissing him deeply. Spencer realizes quickly that I shouldn't have been able to do that and, with wide eyes, pulls away from the kiss.
He pulls my hands away from his face and inspects them, finding the cuffs broken at the chain connecting them. The both of us look between the cuffs and each other in silence for a few seconds before busting out in laughter. Spencer laughs before quickly coming to some kind of realization as I can read it on his face. He gulps and says to me "what am I going to tell Hotch?" I laugh even harder and tell him "that you are so good in bed that I broke your work issued hand cuffs. Just be happy it happened with me and not a criminal." Spencer nods "they aren't usually in my cuffs for long before I get them back. You've worn them longer than any criminal has."
I laugh "kinky, Dr. Reid." He laughs once before he rubs his temples in worry. I laugh quietly and tell him "you aren't allowed to be worried while you're still inside of me." He looks at me and then looks down to where our bodies are still joined. He laughs and slowly moves himself out of me, both of us hissing quietly at the loss of contact. He gets up and out of the bed. He tells me "I'm going to get some things to clean you up and then I'll get those off your wrists." I nod and lay back down on the mattress, my legs still spread eagle because I don't have the energy to undo the restraints.
Spencer comes back and cleans me up with a warm wet wash cloth like normal. He also holds up a bottle of something and tells me "this is numbing cream. I was going to apply it so you wouldn't be too overstimulated all night. Is that okay?" I smile and nod "yeah that's okay, Spence, thank you." He smiles and nods, applying a generous amount to the overly sensitive area. I jump and shudder a few times, Spencer bites back a few laughs but not before I can see them. I ask him "what's funny?" Spencer says "I'm just proud of myself is all. You're shuddering at my touch with numbing cream." I laugh sarcastically and tell him "if you had as many orgasms as I have tonight you'd be overly sensitive, too." He chuckles "glad I could be of service."
I smile shyly and tell him "you really are a genius." Spencer blushes and sighs as he gently undoes the restraints around my knees and unlocks the broken cuffs on my wrists. He tells me "I just have a basic understanding of the female anatomy and I know how to use that information in this context." I wiggle my eyebrows and nod "yeah, you do." He laughs and shakes his head "let's go shower, hmm? After that we can go to dinner and we will ask the housekeeping service to change the bedding again." I nod "sounds like a plan."
         He helps me up and I stand for the first time in probably an hour or two. Spencer is careful with me but allows me to walk a few steps and it doesn't hurt nearly as bad as it did on the beach. He asks me "does your ankle still hurt?" I walk a few more steps and shake my head "I mean I can feel where it was hurt but it isn't hurting me to walk. Does that make sense?" Spencer smiles and nods "I'm glad it's not hurting you as much anymore. Let's go shower."

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