Chapter 6: Rabbits

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          After the fireworks, I woke up and we were back at the marina. Everything since then has been a blur, but that's probably because of all of the Dramamine I've had to take while traveling back to D.C. from Santorini. Now I'm half asleep as Morgan is driving us home from the airport. I hear Spencer and Morgan talking as I'm laying down in the back seat, half asleep. Morgan asks Spencer "is she okay, kid?" He hums in affirmation quietly before saying "she's just had to take a lot of Dramamine for motion sickness to travel." Morgan is quiet for a second and Spencer says "what are you not saying, Morgan?" Morgan sighs and says "has the thought crossed your mind that motion sickness symptoms and pregnancy symptoms are very similar?"
         Spencer is quiet briefly before responding "no, she had her period two weeks ago." Morgan shakes his head "doesn't mean she can't be pregnant now. Bleeding is also common in pregnancy so it might not have been a period after all." I hear Spencer sigh and he says "she only was sick on the boat, traveling to Santorini, and now traveling back to D.C. today. She was not sick the whole time." Morgan hums "then it's probably just motion sickness." Spencer sighs in exasperation "so you didn't have to go on that whole tangent and make me so anxious?" Morgan chuckles "it's just fun for me to watch you squirm, pretty boy. How was the honeymoon besides the motion sickness?" Spencer hums "it was really really nice. A great escape from the job and just from how hectic our lives were up until the wedding."
         Morgan hums and I think he's nodding as he says "I'm glad to hear it, kid, you both deserve to be happy together." Spencer adds "and I'm going to need to get some new handcuffs from Hotch soon." Morgan laughs hard at that and says "man, I guess you had a real good honeymoon, then." Spencer laughs the way he does when he's proud but embarrassed. He responds "um yeah we kind of got carried away one night." Morgan laughs hard at that and says "my man." There's a brief silence for a bit, a comfortable silence.
Spencer tells Morgan "hey, thank you so much for picking us up from the airport. I'm sure there's much better things you could be doing with your Friday night." Morgan responds "don't worry about it kid, the night is still young. You two are just jet lagged and tired. I would take the weekend to recuperate because you start back on Monday, bright eyed and bushy tailed. We missed you kid and Strauss definitely missed you."
          Spencer sighs and says "I know. I've taken a lot of time off lately. I'm going to try to do better now that we are hopefully over the hump of Annie recovering, Emily dying and resurrecting, and the wedding." Morgan nods "the Emily thing threw us all for a loop and you dealing with all of those things at the same time was insane. You handled it really well, considering." Spencer turns to look at me briefly before I hear him turn back to face the road "I'm just so happy she's safe and still with us." I hear Morgan gently clap a hand on Spencer's shoulder "me, too, Reid."
They talk about different cases and work things for the rest of the ride and I drift back off to sleep for a second. I wake up and Spencer is gently pulling me up to sit up in the back of the truck. He helps me down and I quickly realize we are not at the apartment complex. I ask Spencer "what? Where are we?" He smiles and says "we are home, Annie."
         Morgan interjects "the team helped slowly move the majority of our stuff from the apartment to the house while you guys were gone." I smile sleepily at Morgan and tell him "thank you, Derek. That was really nice of you guys." He smiles and shakes his head "many hands make light work." He helps Spencer and me carry our bags in the house and turns on some lights before saying "I'm going to head out, you two need anything from me before I leave?" We shake our heads and say our goodbyes to Derek as he leaves.
          I hum and lay my head on Spencer's chest. He kisses my forehead and rubs my upper arms. I ask him with my eyes still closed "did you just check my temperature?" He chuckles "maybe. You don't feel too terribly warm. Why don't we get a shower and then head to bed?" I nod "sounds good." Spencer and I take our suitcases into our bedroom and open them to grab our toiletries from the suitcases. I hum "we need to do the laundry tomorrow." Spencer nods "yes, tomorrow. Now we need to shower and go to bed." I hum in agreement and follow him into the bathroom with my toiletries.
We take a quick tired shower together, covering the bare minimum, just enough to feel clean. I'm already loving our house and the big bathroom we get to ourselves with double sinks at the vanity. I can't wait until we can get a second shower head put in here so we can shower together with much more ease than before. After we shower, we brush our teeth and put our pajamas on, if you can even call them that, before falling in bed together and falling asleep almost instantaneously as soon as our heads hit the pillows.

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