Chapter 25: Taken

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Spencer's POV

I knew this was coming. I could tell my car had been tampered with somehow, but it was too late by the time I realized it. I had to pull over at the first gas station I saw to try to figure out a plan otherwise I was going to get hit on the highway. As soon as I pulled off I realized my mistake. There was no service. I couldn't call anybody. My first thought was Anneliese, I had to let her know I didn't abandon her and our baby. I didn't just disappear by choice. I write a note quickly, one she will recognize the meaning of, and reach for my gun.
        I was too late. My car window was smashed in and a gun was pressed to my head. A figure in all black and a hoodie orders me with a voice changer to exit the car and put my gun on the ground. I follow the directions, really not wanting to get hurt if possible. My best chance right now is to cooperate. I hate to say it, but I've been in situations like this before.  Nobody is around, the gas station is pretty much deserted. I should've picked a better spot, but I had no choice.
         They put a blindfold on me and grab my own cuffs from my pocket, cuffing me and shoving me into the back of, I'm assuming, their car. Once they shove me in the trunk, they get in the car and drive away. I try to kick out the tail lights, but they're reinforced somehow. I don't know how long we are in the car, I think 20 minutes or so before we switched to a different car somewhere else. Then it was another 40 minutes before they stopped again and pulled me out of the trunk of the car and then they forced me up stairs, finally removing my blind fold.
         I climb up many flights of stairs, after 9 flights, they push me into a room and lock the door behind them. I stumble and hit the concrete floor knees and then face first as my hands are cuffed behind my back. I look around the room, it's a white brick wall with lightbulbs hanging from the tall ceiling. There are cameras in the corners of the rooms, nowhere to hide from them in the room. There's a chair and a bed and a toilet and a sink. It's like a prison cell. I feel them fish in my pockets for the keys and they unlock the cuffs on my wrists. How did they know I have cuffs on me at all times and where I keep them and the keys for them precisely?
         I say aloud "you've been watching me for a long time." They say quietly "yes." No voice changer this time. They don't care if I can figure out their identity now, why did it matter before and not now? I stay still, not fighting or trying to turn to look at them for fear they have a gun or a different weapon to hurt me if I go against them. I ask quietly "why me?" They say gruffly "you'll see." I know that voice, but I can't place it.


        I wander around the room after they leave. Looking for any insecurities or ways to get out or communicate with the outside world. My efforts are futile. Everything I've been trained to do to get out of positions like these are not working. I don't know what time it is, I'm missing Annie's birthday. I am missing precious seconds of her pregnancy where she may need me. I have to get out of here.
        After some time of pacing, the door opens and the person walks in, still dressed in black with a mask covering their face. I ask them "tell me now who you are. You obviously don't have any plans of letting me go any time soon, why wait?" They remove the mask and reveal one of the people who never even crossed my mind of who could be behind this. I ask aloud "Elle? Why? What did I ever do to you?" She smirks and says "I changed my mind about you." I raise both brows and my jaw drops. I ask her "s-so you kidnap me and put me in a, a jail cell?" She sighs and says "I never thought you would move on. I thought you'd be too shy, too timid. I thought I'd always have you in my back pocket."
         I look at her and say "Elle, seriously? Let me go." She raises her gun at me and says "it should've been me. Not her." I look at Elle seriously and tell her harshly "you had your chance with me. I have moved on, you're right. I begged and pleaded with you to change your mind. You told me you could only handle casual relationships. I could never be more than your sub. I couldn't handle it anymore. Why do you think I left?"
         She readjusts her face, hardening it and trying to prevent emotion. She tells me "that doesn't mean I gave you permission to leave or to move on. I woke up and you were gone for good. All of your stuff at my place was gone, everything. You hardly answered my messages after that." I nod furiously "because we were done. We had agreed it wouldn't work."
        She shakes her head "I only said we couldn't move on with an official relationship." I shake my head "Elle, you knew what I was wanting. You knew it wouldn't last after you rejected me. I was developing more feelings for you and I couldn't allow you to hurt me like Lila did if you weren't going to commit to me. The day I stopped by your apartment after a hard case and you were fucking some random guy and letting him dominate you just about killed me. You didn't even care. We both knew it wasn't going to last, I thought we ended fairly amicably, all things considered."
          She raises her voice "not for me. You hurt me, Spencer. Does your little wife know about your escapades with me?" I nod "she knows that you are how I got involved with BDSM. She knows that we didn't continue our relationship because you didn't want to be exclusive. She knows everything she needs to know. She didn't want to know the dirty details and I didn't want to tell her the dirty details. She knows the important things and I have answered all of her questions and she knows I will answer any more she has to ask in the future truthfully." Elle hardens, she hadn't expected that. I ask her "what, were you going to blackmail me?"
         She shakes her head "no, I don't have any intention of you going back to her. I have every intention of you choosing me." I look at her dumbfounded. I tell her "Elle, I will never choose you. Not while I have Annie." Elle hums and says "what if I take sweet little Annie out of the equation?" My eyes widen and I take a step forward before she points the gun at me again. I stop in my tracks as I tell her "no, Elle, please don't. She has nothing to do with this. She's been through enough." Elle nods "oh yes, Harrison."
         I feel my hair on my arms and back of my neck stand on edge as I ask her "did you know him?" She sighs and points at the bed with the gun. She tells me "sit down, I think we may be here a while." I follow her directions, more out of intrigue than fear this time. She sits down in the chair and tells me "so ever since that last case where I shot the rapist in Dayton, I've been quietly investigating men on my own and killing the ones who evade the law." I ask her "you became a serial killer of criminals?" She nods nonchalantly "the government wasn't doing it right, I knew how to do it right." I ask her "how do you afford this?" She shrugs "my mom died and left me plenty of money, I won't need to have a job for a while. Anyway, back to my story before you so rudely interrupted me. I found Harrison via police reports and a lot of sketchy police work. He was skating by because of his daddy's money and he knew it. For a while, under a fake identity, I played the role of submissive mistress for him, learning him.
         "When he would leave, I would investigate and hack his stuff. I figured out your dear sweet Annie was his first target, his unfinished business, completely by accident. I planted the idea of him going back for her in his head indirectly when he said he ran into her at the discovery center. He didn't know it, he thought it was all his idea, dumb man. He really hated you. We had a common enemy. I thought then that my revenge would be complete, you would be destroyed one way or another.
          "I had set everything up for him behind the scenes to kidnap her and bring her here to this room actually. He was going to get to live out all of those sick twisted fantasies for as long as he wanted and he was going to have it all on video to relive forever. Well, until I locked him in here or killed him myself. I would've used the videos as blackmail if necessary later. This room was never meant for you, it was meant for Annie when he kidnapped her from your shared apartment. While walking your sweet little dog while you were away on a case. I'm not for killing animals, not my thing, but, when it's necessary, I'll do it. We couldn't have the dog letting anybody know she was missing. You know what I mean.
       "Anyway, Harrison fucked it all up. He was supposed to wait and grab her in DC when the PI that he hired had finished the job. Then Emily, your replacement for me, had to go 'die' and fuck it all up. When Annie went back to Tennessee, Harrison lost all impulse control and acted on his urges. Really fucked up my whole plan."
        I clench my fists in rage. The only reason Elle isn't dead is because she has the upper hand right now. I ask her "you were going to serve my wife up to her former abuser on a silver platter?" Elle nods, unfazed. I ask her "to get back at me for not settling to be in a friends with benefits relationship with you that made me unhappy?" She nods. I ask her "why were we still friends after it was all over if you were this upset?" Elle smirks "couldn't have you knowing I was coming for you, Spence. You're too smart for that. However, emotionally you still have some learning to do."
          I ask her "what are you planning to do to me? Kill me?" She shakes her head with an evil smile "you're going to hurt yourself and wish you were dead, one way or another. Your death is your choice in this room. It's inevitable, but you get a choice. One of those options is defying me or trying to escape and I put a bullet in your beautiful brain. That would really be a shame." I gulp and ask her "what are the rest of the options?" She smirks again and wags her finger back and forth "I have a special surprise for that one. We want everyone at the BAU to have front row seats for that decision."
           I gulp and put my head in my hands. Elle makes a tsk sound and says "I'm surprised you didn't figure it out. You definitely made it hard for me to get to you. It wasn't too hard to get to Annie." I look up at her and ask "you've met her?" She nods "I went to her hospital, I talked to her in her office under the guise of being lost in the hospital. She was really nice and tried to help me. I was just curious if she knew what I looked like." I shake my head "she didn't want to know. If she's seen pictures of you then she didn't know it was you." Elle nods and says "sounds like she's a jealous girl." I sigh and say "she's normal. Any normal person in a committed relationship is not particularly excited about the idea that the person they love has slept with or loved somebody else before."
         Elle asks me "are you jealous of the men she slept with before you?" I shake my head "she didn't sleep with anybody before me." Elle looks surprised for a second and then asks me "did you love me?" I set my jaw and tell her "I was on the cusp of it before you showed me just how little you cared about me and my feelings about the entire situation. You held the power and you knew that."
         Elle scoffs "your feewings." She gives me a fake pouty face and laughs. I take a gamble and say "big talk for a woman who planned an elaborate plot to kidnap me because I hurt her feelings and I didn't even know it." Her nostrils flare and she walks over to me, hitting me in the head with the gun in her hand. I'm pretty sure I'm going to have a black eye or something similar after that. She tells me "that's the least I'll do to you when you decide to speak disrespectfully to me. Get comfortable. You'll be here for a while." Eventually after she leaves, I follow her directions and lay on the bed, staring at the ceiling. I've never been a praying man, but right now I'm praying to the God Annie believes in that Annie and the baby are okay and that I'm going to make it out of here okay and in one piece. Eventually I nod off after my adrenaline drops in levels due finally having some answers.

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