Chapter 29: New Beginnings

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       Spencer is continuing to adjust well. The very next morning I had to go into work and do a modified on a patient that turned out to have Flu-B and not pneumonia at all. I didn't find that out until later after Spencer and I had already curled back up in bed together for a while. In the middle of that night, I woke up with chills and aching and vomiting and all the gross things. Spencer assumed his role as caregiver and took great care of me.
        I was a zombie for days. I barely did anything noteworthy around the house for days. I vomited for days. I felt like a shell of a human being for days. We waited and waited for Spencer to get sick after I did, but it never came. On day 4 of me still not feeling well, Spencer took me to the doctor. I go through the motions and hardly speak unless I have to because I just feel all around shitty.
       They call us back and they want to test for everything. They swab my nose, they swab my throat, they take my blood, and they even make me pee in a cup to check for a UTI. Spencer sits on the exam table with me and lets me lean into him while we wait for the results. I don't even have it in me to talk to him while we wait.
       It feels like eons before the doctor comes in and says "good news, it's not Flu-B or Flu-A." We nod, expecting him to tell us what it is now. He narrows his eyes at us and says "it's not's not mono..." he continues staring at us. I look at Spencer and then look down at the ground "oh my God, I'm dying." The doctor laughs and says "no no, quite the opposite actually." Spencer's eyes go wide and I look confused at both him and the doctor. I ask "I'm living?" Spencer face palms and the doctor laughs and says "you're sustaining new life!" He turns to Spencer and says "wow, pregnancy brain must hit early."
        In this moment all I hear is glass shattering in my head. I ask him confused "I'm...pregnant? How far along?" The doctor looks between the two of us and asks "did you not...were you not trying? You're about 4 weeks along based on your levels." I look down at the ground for just a second before turning to Spencer and telling him "now we know your pull-out game absolutely fucking sucks." The Doctor writes something down and then says "ohhhh-Kay. I'll take that as a no. This is awkward. Follow up with your gynecologist. You'll probably be feeling better in about 8 months." The doctor smiles and gives us a wink as he leaves the room.
        I turn to Spencer and he's grinning ear to ear. He says excitedly "we are going to have a baby!" I smile weakly and say "yay, I hope it doesn't kill me first." He gives me a sad look and says "I'm sorry you don't feel well. Hopefully this won't last past the first trimester." I nod "you aren't getting any while I feel like this." Spencer chuckles "I'll survive. Let's get you home and get some food and water in your system." I groan and pout as I stand and leave the exam room. A hush falls over the hallway as we walk out. The nurse and the doctor look at us nervously and Spencer raises his arms up and says "we're having a baby!" I groan as everybody who heard him cheers. It's not that I'm not excited, I just don't feel good and want to be in bed. They didn't even give me any medicine or anything.
        We get in the car and Spencer is just giddy. I glare at him and his face changes into one of fear. I say through gritted teeth "you did this to me." Spencer laughs and says "when we have our baby it will all be worth it." I say under my breath "if we get our baby." Spencer fully turns to me and asks softly "is that why you're so unhappy?" I nod "I'm just afraid of getting excited." Spencer nods and says "hang on, let me call and see when they can get us in for an ultrasound."
I nod and he calls my gynecologist and asks when we can be seen for an ultrasound for a new baby. Spencer talks to a lady on the phone and hangs up before turning to me "we go tomorrow afternoon at 2:30 pm. We will find out quickly and together if we have the same situation as last time. I highly highly doubt it, but it's still possible." I nod again and tell him "please just take me home, being in the car makes me feel even worse." Spencer nods and holds my hand on the console as we drive back home.
Spencer can hardly contain his joy and excitement. He's been this way since we found out, well after the initial shock wore off. He gingerly helps me out of the car and treats me like the finest glass, as if I'll break at the smallest touch. I know he's just being sweet, but right this second I'm still angry at him because he's the reason I feel so awful. He gets me back in my pajamas and back in bed. He asks me "do you want some ginger ale and crackers?" I nod. He vanishes into the kitchen and returns a few minutes later. He put my ginger ale in a tumbler with a straw and ice and he put my crackers on a plate for me so I wouldn't have to dig them out individually. He's the sweetest thing.
After he's satisfied with my comfortable position in our bed, he changes into comfier clothes and crawls into bed with me. As soon as he curls up with me, his hand finds my stomach. My heart warms at the gesture and I want to cry. He rubs my stomach in soft circles and tells me softly "thank you." I turn and ask him just as softly "for what?" He smiles and says "for not giving up on me. For giving this another chance." I chuckle and tell him "we weren't even trying to get pregnant when it happened." Spencer chuckles. I tell him "your genius sperm and weak ass pull out game are why we are here right now." Spencer laughs again "I can't say that I'm sorry for any of that."
After a few more circles on my stomach, I ask Spencer "what are we going to tell Hotch? When he finds out how far along I am he will know something happened while you were in rehab." Spencer chuckles "we will tell him the truth and beg for forgiveness. I don't think he will be upset for long." I smile and nod. I ask him "who are we going to tell and when?" Spencer smiles and says "let's try to keep it a secret for the first trimester, just the two of us." I ask him "how am I supposed to keep this morning sickness a secret from everybody, especially your team?" He smiles and shrugs "let's just try our best. If they find out then they find out. It won't be just us for long now, let's enjoy it while it lasts."

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