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⚠️This story contains physical assault. If you feel uncomfortable please don't read this story.⚠️

Miyeon has been the best student in her school life. She was the perfect child, her parents loved her so much that gave her almost everything she wanted. There was though one rule she had to follow, no boyfriends.

It was easy for Miyeon since she was a lesbian yet her father doesn't know about it and is very against that while for her mother, she knows it and supports her own daughter.

Since it's her last year of high school a new student appeared from abroad. Specific, from Thailand.

The two never got along since they were the top two students in the whole school and always bet each other whatever they would do. Their friends got tired of that, they tried to talk to them through and try to get a long but these two always end up fighting with each other for small things.

Lets say, it didn't really go well as planned.

Miyeon on the other hand, she was having a small affair with one of the new students who's always a junior. Yeh Shuhua, it wasn't really something serious just now and then they would make out and have sex together.

It didn't mean anything to them since the younger was interested in Miyeon's best friend, Seo Soojin. Of course they'd stop once Shuhua gets the chance to take Soojin out and never talk about their affair to anyone.

No one should know about this.

Until one day, Miyeon walked back home all happy and unbothered as she stepped in her house, her father pushed harshly his daughter on the floor.

"Dad? W-What's wrong?" Miyeon asks as she stutters from fear.

"You dared to kiss a girl, on the mouth!"
He yells as he slaps his daughter.

"D-Dad please stop I c-can explain!" Miyeon pleads.

He grabbed the latter on her neck tightly and pushed her against the door harsh.
"You disgrace!"

Miyeon was crying.

He releases his grip from her throat, making her fall to the floor.
"You useless bitch" he yells, a harsh smell of alcohol escapes his mouth as he speaks.

"I-I'm sorry! I-It won't happen again!" She whisper yells, he reaches his hand out to slap her again.

It hits hard.

As he beats her more and more, she grows weaker by every hit she receives.

"Hey Miyeon, you forgot your science book-" somebody opens the door which obviously wasn't totally closed in the first place, she recognized that husky yet soft voice, it's Minnie her enemy.

"N-No, please M-Minnie.. y-you have to go n-now!"
Miyeon cries, trying to get her father's attention back to her so Minnie will leave immediately.

"That's her?" Her father screams.
"You disgusting disgraceful child! You are lesbian yet you're still not allowed to have a disgusting girlfriend!"
He hits her again.

This time Minnie saw that, she stands there, shocked yet confused though definitely she was angry. She was infuriated.

Minnie throws a hard punch at her fathers face.

"N-No! no no no! P-Please Minnie, you shouldn't be here! Please leave now!"
Miyeon begs.

Minnie helps her to her feet and spits down on the floor next to Miyeon's father.

"If you ever dare to get near her and lay a hand on her again, I will end you with my bare hands and myself."
Minnie snaps.

She takes the latter out of the house, leaving her father on the ground.

They walked to the nearest park and sat on a bench, thankfully there was a coffee shop near and Minnie asked for some ice and a towel. As workers gave it to her, she rushed back to Miyeon and placed the towel on the bruises from her face.

"How long has this been going on, Miyeon?"
Minnie asks.

Miyeon looked at the ground, after some seconds she stares into the Thai's eyes.
"T-Two years now. I-It only happens when h-he's drunk and when I-I'm not doing well in school."

"Not doing well? Miyeon you're getting the best grades. The lowest you ever got was at least 96 out of 100."
Minnie complains.

"W-Well my dad wants me to have 100 and at least 99. If I don't have them.. he beats me up. But this time was a d-different reason."
Miyeon mumbles.

The Thai placed the towel on her thigh as she stared into Miyeon's eyes.
"Which is?"

Miyeon blushes and spins her fingers.
"W-Well.. m-me and S-Shuhua.. have been making out a-and.. uh.. having y-you know.."


"Y-yeah but it doesn't mean anything to us, s-she has a crush on my best friend Seo Soojin. Anyways, h-he somehow found out that I kissed her and h-he got furious.. s-so uhm yeah. He doesn't like that his only daughter yet child is a lesbian and not normal."
Miyeon Starts to tear up.

Minnie wipes her tears away and sighs.
"He's an asshole then if he can't accept his daughter. Put our arguments aside, I care about you Miyeon. His loss with all honesty, you're a wonderful person and truly very beautiful."

Miyeon blushes slightly and smiles widely.
"Really? You think so?"

Minnie nods.
"Yea but you're not my type."


Minnie giggles and hugs Miyeon lightly.
"Don't get me wrong you're pretty but not my style."

"Tsk, whatever. You're not my style anyways."
Miyeon frowns.

"Oh come on, you're saying that now because I just admitted that you're not my style."
Minnie giggles as she was peaking Miyeon's cheeks.

"Yah! Stop! And no that's not true, you're more like attractive and sexy. I like people who are adorable and cute also tall and very gentle. That's so not you."
Miyeon frowns and felt proud of what she just said.

"Well.. in that case. I am cute, I am adorable and I'm also tall. The best part of me? I am hella funny and I am also very gentle!"
Minnie smiles.

"Yah! No. You're not. You might be pretty but that's all. Who's your type anyways?"

Minnie smirks.
"If I tell you, you might get mad."

Miyeon frowns and pouts.
"Just tell me already!"


Miyeon's eyes widen.
"Lia? As.."
"As.. Choi Jisu?"

Minnie nods.

"Ah yes, that's understandable. She's also my type!"
Miyeon smiles.

"Right.. and who would top who? Both of you are most definitely bottoms."
Minnie laughs.

Miyeon was furious yet she blushed by embarrassment. The Thai wasn't wrong, Miyeon is a bottom but she didn't like admitting that.

"Y-YAH! T-Thats not true!! I can also top."
Miyeon crosses her arms.

"Right right. Then kiss me."

Miyeon's eyes widen.

"You heard me. If you're a top, I want you to kiss me."

"Yah! T-Thats not f-funny.."
Miyeon was a blushing mess at this point.

"It's not a joke. Kiss me."

- - - - - -
Part 2?

A/N: you were my everything and i was your nothing.

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