🖤Chapter:- 26🖤

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It's evening and you three have settled down after reaching the mountain peck. Well, the mountain is not that big nor too small.

Soon the sun is going to down, making the evening look so mesmerising and heartwarming that's is was unable to tear eyes from it. The slanting rays of the setting sun gave a warm orange tinge to the sky. The sky was ablaze with the fire of the setting sun. The night sky was aglow with bright city lights. The pale crescent moon shone like a silvery claw in the night sky.

"It's so beautiful..." you exclaimed few mere words of praise in comparison the spectacular view you are witnessing.

Taehyung look towards you with a smile and side hugged you. "Not more than you." He complimented you, in place of the breathing taking view. Because only you can take away his breath. He placed a peck on your head while securing you in his arms, and felt ease.

Jungkook look towards you two. A small smile formed on his lips when he saw how glorious your face is looking under the sunset.

Indeed, Taehyung is right.

The way your eyes are shining, reflecting innocence and excitement at the same time. Anyone can tell, you are mesmerised by the view.

After witnessing the stunning moments for a while, you three decided to went back.


You went back with Taehyung and Jungkook by your side.

"Why it feels amazing to walk on the road, today?" Jungkook thought in his mind.

Today, something is different and he felt that. Today, he isn't behaving like a cold boy, nor he felt annoyed for once after coming here.

And it's very hard for him to digest.

"I guess Sana is not around that's why..." Jungkook concluded, after thinking of every possible scenario of his behaviour today.

"Tae Bear there!!! I want that!!" You yelled in excitement when you noticed a spicy noddles stall on a road near parking lot.

Taehyung and Jungkook followed your hand which is pointing towards a small stall.

"No... that's not good for your health." Taehyung replied as soon as he spotted spicy word on their banner.

You made a sad pout as he always decline you to eat something spicy, just because he can't bear spicy stuffs. So, he prohibited you too.

Once you two tried a bowl of spicy noddles but in the mid Taehyung reached his limit due to the spiciness but you were not affected that much. And that's hit his ego, he was a crying baby due the burning sensation around his mouth, while you are almost normal, as they gave you honey noddles.

He can't stand that, how can he be a crybaby, while his cub is consoling him. What if in future she leave just because of his spice tolerance. Even worse what if his cub find other guys more outstanding than just because they can eat spicy thing.

Hence, after imagining every possible assumption, he end up prohibiting you from eating spicy stuffs.

Jungkook look towards your face again, and saw that cute little sad pout of yours, which make his chuckle at your cuteness. "How can a girl look so cute while being sad?" that's question unexpectedly occurred in his mind.

"Ummm... it's won't affect the health if you eat in limit." Jungkook took your side, just to make you happy again. Your smiling face is now getting his favourite.

"No... Jungkook even if won't affect for once but still I don't wanna take risk." Taehyung still stick with his rule.

"C'mon Taehyung, don't be that strict on her." Jungkook again took your side making you flash a big smile to him.

"Tae Bear... Please. I won't ask for it again... pinky promise..." you tried to coax Taehyung by your extra sweet tone and cute gestures, as it alway works. Your pinky finger is still in air, for him, to accept his defeat.

Taehyung couldn't help but to melt and get trap willingly even after knowing you devil intention behind that cute gestures of your.

"Only one bowl." He said while joining his pinky finger with you.

You smiled widely and run up towards the stall with all the excitement you got after Taehyung's approval.

They both couldn't help but to laugh at your silliness, as you ordered the noddles instantly but when the worker asked for money, you looked towards them with a embarrassed face.

Taehyung went towards you and was going to pay the bill but Jungkook did it first and ordered one more bowl for himself.

"Jungkook I can pay. You shouldn't have pay for cub." Taehyung said.

"It's okay, think of it as my treat." Jungkook declined completely from taking the Taehyung which was giving him. 

Taehyung signed as his phone was ringing. He excused himself and went a bit further to attend the call, which was from his dad.

Jungkook went to sit on a chair around a small table, where you were already settled.

You and Jungkook started to talking to each other while smiling ear to ear. You even complimented his bunny tooth, which made his ears turn red due to being shy.

A outstanding guy like Jeon Jungkook has always got complimented either for his looks or for his word. But your compliments did something on him, he couldn't help but blush as you touch his ear being concerned for him that he might be feeling cold?

"Kookie... let's go if you are feeling cold." You proposed as you genuinely worried about your new friend.

That's when a Ajumma placed two bowls of spicy korean noddles with pair chopsticks and two different of sauces infront of them. She look at the boy who is blushing and the girl who is worried, she couldn't but awe that the two cutie's.

"Aigoo... you two kids are so cute and this blushing kiddo is super cute." Ajumma said while pinching Jungkook's cheeks softy, making him a blushing mess.

That's when Taehyung entered the frame.


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