Chapter Sixty-four - The DA

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"do you have the list of volunteers?" I asked in the general direction of the twins. we were currently in the twins' dorm and both of their beds were covered in joke products that we were planning to send through testing in just a few minutes.

"i don't understand why we need to have this list. the whole point of testing our products has nothing to do with knowing who we're testing them on." George said.

"well, if we have their names it's easier to lie about what happened to a person when they have in ill reaction to your candies. that is if we find ourselves needing to take a trip to the hospital wing." i explained.

"she's got a point, mate." Fred said as he looked back at his twin with raised eyebrows.

"and of course your going to side with your girlfriend!" George shouted playfully.

"just stop and think about what she said." Fred defended.

"where'd Lee go?" i asked and then proceed to shove a handful of popcorn into my mouth.

"his bum is making out with the porcelain throne." Fred said.

"you could have just said i was-" Lee entered the room and paused as he saw what we were doing. "is it really time already?"

"yup." Fred said. his answer was followed by a loud thudding as he dropped a heavy box on the ground and then kicked it under his bed.

Fred then picked up a decorative basket filled with colorfully wrapped sweets and crossed the room stopping in front of me. He leaned down bringing his face close to mine. my breath hitched even though i have kissed him hundreds of times before. the room went quiet until Fred grabbed the back of my head bringing my face towards his as he smashed his lips onto mine and the room erupted in protests.

"this is a no make out zone!" George and Lee shouted in unison but both were too disgusted to break us apart.

Fred and I didn't say anything but we did break apart and laughed awkwardly before moving towards the door. it was difficult for us to have moments like that because everyone thought it was weird that we so comfortably went from friends to lovers. it made us sad to be shoved apart so frequently but we had to be okay with it because we had no choice. maybe we would find a chance to talk about it sometime where we won't be interrupted. we hardly ever have longer than fifteen minutes alone together.

the four of us gathered the rest of our things that we needed for testing and we made our way down the boys dormitory stairs to the common room.

once we got down we saw that a gathering of first years had accumulated in the back of the common room lined up on a bench like we had instructed them to do at this time. they were talking amongst each other nervously. something we all seemed to notice that there were very few girls in the gathering of testers. perhaps they were all too smart to fall for the twins announcement that they needed people to test things on.

"who's ready to make some money!" i announced as i shook a jar of coins in front of each of their faces.

Fred and George passed a different candy to each of them for testing while i got out a bag of different antidotes that we needed to test.

"the red one is for the the green one and the blue one is for the orange one right?" i asked the twins as i watched one of the kids begin bleeding profusely out of their nostrils.

"yeah, yeah, whatever just give 'em one and see what it does." George said and i shrugged.

i took the antidote candies and a wad of toilet roll and walked over to the boy who was bleeding into his hands. i kicked the other people away and sat next to the boy and shoved the toilet roll up his face then shoved half of the red antidote in his mouth.

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