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Nothing like waking up to bright sunlight beaming right into your eyes.

"Time to wake up, Mr. Birmington!" Our maid, Agatha says as she pulled opened the blackout curtains then picked up my clothes off the floor.

"Really?!" I groaned in frustration before placing the covers over my face to block the sun out and fall back to sleep. However, like always, she was not having it and ripped the covers right off of me.

"Get up! And you too." She stated as she woke up some random girl I had brought home last night after a fight and hooked up with.

Once she left, Agatha grabbed some last minute things before walking out the door, though not before giving me one last warning to get up.

"I will see you downstairs in less than twenty minutes, or else." She threatened.

She was a feisty lady in her mid fifties that did not put up with anything and who my mother and I have considered to be like our family.

She is funny but when you don't do as she asks, you better run or else you may get a slipper or shoe thrown at you.

"Yeah, yeah, I promise." I yawned at her then stretched my arms out until I noticed she was gone before trying to lay back down onto the pillow.

I abruptly sat up the same second she had walked back in to make sure I was awake and preparing myself for the day.

So after I finished taking a shower and got ready, I made my way downstairs into the dining room where my mother was already at sipping some coffee.

"Good morning, mother." I greeted her with a kiss on the cheek before taking my seat next to her.

"Good morning, son." She greeted me as usual. 

"Here you are." Agatha says as she places down a plate of breakfast along with some aspirins and some orange juice as well as a cup of coffee.

"Thanks." I chuckled.

"Of course." She smiled in reply.

"Have a good night?" My mother sarcastically asked while continuing to read on her tablet.

My mother always has something to tease me about whenever I have had a female friend over for the night. There are even times she will make a remark in front of the girls.

"No she's fine. In fact, she already went back to her pimp." I joked before taking the aspirins and drinking my coffee.

This has become our little ritual between the both of us. I love my mother dearly but also happen to be a twenty-one year old as of last month and do not feel she needs to lecture me.

"Darling, if you insist on having sleep overs with these random girls, the least you can do is feed them." She states.

"Mom, I am too young to settle down." I remind her.

"Who said anything about settling down?!" She says once again with a hint of sarcasm.

"Oh mom, must we do this almost every morning?!" I asked.

"That depends on you." She smiled at me. "Besides, I actually wanted to tell you that we will be having some guests stay with us this Summer."

"Who?" I asked.

"As you know, I have been seeing a  gentleman for a while now and things have recently become more serious. Therefore I invited him and his daughter to come stay with us and was hoping you and his daughter could meet and hopefully get along." She says.

I knew she had been seeing someone for a good while and I can tell he has made her very happy but I am not looking for a new dad and besides, I am very protective when it comes to my mom, especially when it comes to her taste in men because she is too nice most of the time. I just would never want her to be taken advantage of. Not to mention the fact that from the sounds of things that she has told me on a few occasions about this guy and his daughter, they do not have money.

I have nothing against people who don't have much money, but just want to make sure that he would not be interested in her just because she is loaded. Since that is how all the other asshole losers she has dated previously ended up as.

"How old is she? Ten?" I asked with annoyance that I soon have to become some type of babysitter.

"Actually, she will be turning eighteen in a few weeks and I thought we could have a big party for her." My mom replied.

"Seriously?! She isn't even part of the family and you're going to throw a party for her so you can score points with her father or something? Does he even have a job, or will YOU be flipping the bill like usual?!" I remarked.

"That's enough!" My mother snapped as she hit the table with her hand. "You know, I don't say anything about the random girls you bring home. The least you can do is show me the same respect. Besides, you're not a kid anymore so I would appreciate it if you would act a little bit more your age." She states before standing and heading out to her office.

Ever since my father left us after I turned two years old and it was just my mother and I, as well as Agatha, I have enjoyed it that way. I became the man of the house. Then when I was around fifteen years old, I found out my mother had begun dating and I did not want some random guy coming into this house, taking my role then replacing the dad role also.

Nearly every guy my mother dated would abuse me behind her back and then come to find out, would use my mother for her money.

I would love nothing more than to see my mother happy with some guy but she has not had the best of luck and I personally do not believe there is such a thing as true love. Unlike my hopelessly romantic mother thinks.

Maybe I should have gone off to college like she expected me to. However, I feel sometimes as though I need to protect her still and in this case, it is no different.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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