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Throughout the rest of the week and into the following week, things were going great between Gaige and I although it seemed as though it was getting harder to resist him and his sexy charm, not to mention the parts where we had to hide our true feelings from one another and showing any type of affection towards one another because of course of everybody being around.

My birthday was coming up next week and I was beyond excited. I could not wait.

Then today, while getting ready to go swimming with Isla, Rudy and Gaige, I received a few texts from my friends telling me that they unfortunately could not make it because each one had to stay behind and help out their families they were with.

I was disappointed but again, I understood and waited until I had gotten off the phone to cry.

I felt devastated. My Diana was very sweet enough even to offer to pay for their airfare out here and even to stay over at the house as well. But I know it was not because of the money being the issue.

I heard a light knock on my bedroom door and told whomever it was to come in, only to see Isla walking towards me and sitting down to my right on the bed.

"Hey, what's the matter?" She asked.

"I'm sorry, I'll be fine. I just found out that my friends can't make it to my birthday. So now I will officially have to wait until winter break to see them." I tell her.

"Aww, I'm so sorry." She told me.

"It's okay. I mean, it sucks donkey balls, but I'll be fine." I replied as I wiped my eyes.

"I'm sorry, what did you say?" She asked.

"What?" I asked confused.

"Did you just say that it sucks donkey balls?" She smiles.

"Yeah." I replied.

We next both break out into laughter after I realized how funny it sounded. Although I personally did not think it was as funny as Isla seems to have thought.

We next began heading outside towards the pool where Diana and my dad were both talking with Gaige before heading back towards the house passed us.

"Hey gorgeous!" Diana greeted me. "Have you heard from your friends yet?" She asked.

"I did. They said they couldn't make it but to thank you for the offer anyways." I tell her.

"Aww, bummer. I'm so sorry sweetie." She tells me.

"It's okay. I'm still gonna have a great time." I tell her with a smile.

"Hell yeah she is!" Isla states as she wraps her arm over my shoulders.

"We will." My dad replied. "We're gonna go hang out on one of Diana's friends boats all day and most likely all night. Agatha will also be gone for the next few days because she needed to go and visit her sister." He tells me.

"Alright. Have fun." I tell them.

"You too." Diana and my father replied before making their way out.

They sure are gone a whole lot but I guess so since we are only here for a few months and she needs to introduce him to all their friends while also spending a lot of time together.

I'm not going to lie, it's also not a bad idea neither that we could have some alone time tonight, me and Gaige.

"Woohoo!" They are gone and we can do whatever we want!" Isla yelled out in excitement.

Rudy and Gaige both cheered also and Rudy turned on some music before doing a cannonball into the pool followed by Isla next running and doing a flip in the air into the pool.

Okay, how in the hell did she just do that?!

Then Gaige just dove right in while looking all sexy, as usual.

Then came my turn apparently as they all cheered for me to come in.

Now I could not do a flip because I am too heavy and I was afraid of doing a cannonball, because I have hurt myself in the past before by doing one and resulting in some pain after hitting the bottom. Then again, doing one at the point where the shallow end and deep end meet in the middle.

Instead, I saw my chance and took the opportunity to pray that I looked good doing so as I eyed one of the big inflatables in the water (an ice cream sandwich shaped one) and thought I could jump on it gently enough so that I did not flip over.

However, as luck would have it, after I walked to the edge of the pool and was now just inches away from it, I tried to leap onto it in hopes to land on my stomach, but instead, just as I had feared, it flipped over the moment I had gotten on it.

The moment I came up from under the water and wiped my eyes, we all were laughing so hard as I can only imagine in how hilarious that had looked. I was real glad actually that nobody filmed it.

Eventually, later on, I was able to successfully get onto a raft and actually stay on, thanks to Gaige holding it steady for me.

Swimming around though always made me feel like I was a mermaid and when I was real little I even used to swim towards the steps and pretend I was Ariel from The Little Mermaid and lift myself up on the higher step while singing that part, 'Part of your world.' Though I believe a lot of other girls did the same.

When the nightfall came, both Rudy and Isla had gone home after dinner while Gaige and I went into the home cinema room and watched a few movies.

During the last movie, there happened to be a racy scene that made it a little difficult for me being in Gaige's arms as I started to feel myself feel a little warm all of a sudden.

I tried not to think too much of it and erase the thoughts of him in a sexual way before he noticed, but was nearly impossible.

I do want to take things slow but I'm not sure how to convince my certain urges to stop and do the same.

What's a girl to do!?

Once the third movie was over, I thought it might be the best thing if I had gone off to bed, seeing as to how my thoughts were becoming more intense as they also flared up my desires in the moment and was wanting to feel his hands all over my body.

"I think I might go to bed." I tell him regretfully.

"You okay?" He asked concerned.

"I'm fine, I'm just tired from today." I lie.

"Okay. I'll go to bed too." He says.

After shutting down everything and turning off the lights, we start heading up to our bedrooms and just as we say 'goodnight,' I ask him something I am not so sure I should have but since it was now already out in the open, there was no turning back.

"Gaige?" I stopped him.

"Yeah?" He asked me.

"Since our parents won't be back until late, if at all tonight and since neither one checks our rooms, why don't you sleep with me?" I asked him while trying to hide my nervousness at the same time.

He looked at me with no expression and I had no idea as to what he was thinking until he walked up to me and smiled at me.

"I would love to." He says against my lips before kissing me.

Once in the room, he shut the bathroom door on his side while I got dressed in my short shorts and matching pajamas tank top before turning the light off then getting into bed next to him as he was already laying down on the bed with his shirt off and his pants still on.

Oh my god please let this be a good idea.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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