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After going into town and grabbing some groceries, when we returned back at the house and walked inside, we heard music blaring from the gym room and Rudy along with Isla both mumbled together 'Oh shit!'

"What?" I asked them.

"Whenever he plays that music and is in the gym room, it usually means he's pissed and is best to leave him alone." Isla recommended.

I figured it must have been from speaking with Aria or something and since Isla and Rudy know him best, I will take their advice and leave him be while we put the groceries away and then a couple moments later, we heard the music be turned off and the door opening before next seeing Gaige walk passed us without acknowledging we were there, with his ear buds in and listening to loud music, before he hurried up the staircase towards his bedroom where he slammed the door closed behind him.

The slamming of the door sound echoed throughout the house and had startled me.

"It's okay. He'll cool off." Isla tried reassuring me.

I just nodded in agreement while grabbing something to drink and tossing the grocery bags away before sitting down in the living room as Rudy began ordering delivery for dinner.

We all three sat in the living room, watching TV while waiting for the food until it arrives and as we are getting ready to plate it, I head upstairs to let Gaige know food was here.

When I got to the outside of his bedroom, I took in a deep breath and let it out before knocking, in hopes he was not going to snap at me or abruptly open the door then ask me what the hell I wanted.

When I knocked, I mentioned food was here and if he was okay.

"I'm fine! I'm not hungry, thanks!" He snapped.

I began making my way back downstairs and pretended as if it did not bother me the way he snapped just now, but whatever it is that has him upset, I just hope he eventually tells me about it.

Once we all were finished with dinner and Isla and Rudy both headed off to their room, I decided to clean up a little bit and then walk outside to sit beside the pool and stick my feet in the water as I thought about a few things - one of them being about whether or not Gaige was going to be okay.

After being out there for a while, I heard the sliding glass door open then close and knew it was Gaige by the scent of his cologne.

He came up and sat down beside me as he placed his feet in the water also.

"I'm sorry." He said after we shared a brief moment of silence.

"It's okay. Everybody has their day." I shrugged.

"Yeah but, I shouldn't have snapped at you like that." He apologized.

"I know it's none of my business but, what happened?" I asked.

He let out a breath before answering.

"Aria stopped by moments before you guys had returned and while I washing the car." He replied.

"Oh." I replied.

"I don't know what is going on with her but she has changed throughout the years I have known her. I mean, she has always been a bitch but I don't know, she just seemed more like she genuinely had changed this Summer." He shook his head.

"What she do or say?" I asked.

"Nothing that's worth worrying about. I took care of everything." He told me with a smile.

I know there has to be more to the story but do not want to push it and besides, I trust him. It is really the fact that I don't trust HER mostly.

He next takes hold of my hands and enlaces his fingers with mine as we look at each other before leaning in and kissing one another.

He then stops and presses his forehead against mine continuing to hold the side of my face as I do with his.

"I love you so much, Audrey." He tells me.

"And I love you too." I responded with a smile.

"Let's go upstairs and let me show you." He says.

The moment he told me that, I felt between my legs immediately begin to heat up and start getting a little wet. He turns me on so much by just the way he looks at me and winks with a smile. THIS though, my God, I hope the moment we close the door, he just takes me.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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