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Right when things seemed to be going alright between her father and I, I could not help but overhear him talking with somebody in my mother's room that she uses as an office in the house.

After Audrey and I had fallen asleep in each other's arms the other night, I had woken up in the middle of the night, thirsty, and decided to head downstairs real fast to grab myself something to drink.

Once I grabbed water from the fridge, then started making my way upstairs, I walked past the room when I noticed the door was a little ajar and the light was on.

Now, at first, I began thinking it was my mother, but right away got rid of that idea the moment I had heard Audrey's father talking to somebody on the phone. I began to quietly step closer to the door and looked through the little opening, and noticed he was pacing back and forth in front of the desk and frantically running his fingers through his hair.

"I know. I understand that, but you have to give me some more time...Please!" He begged the person. "Yes. I understand, but I swear that you will get all of your money at the end of next month. No, she has no idea." He tells the person with fear in his tone of voice.

I did not want to listen to any more. That was all I needed to hear.

My entire world began to shatter, and everything around me started to crumble.

Was Audrey in on this?! What was her plan with me? Wait, was I part of her plan?!?

I know I should not jump to conclusions and such, but I can not help it. I need to know. So I next head back upstairs and do something I never in a million years had dreamed of ever doing. I was going to read her journal.

While quietly and as careful as I could, I was able to grab the journal and headed into the bathroom where I locked the door behind me before I sat on the floor with my back against it while beginning to flip through the filled pages.

I honestly did not pay much attention to any other content because I was too focused on seeing if any entries were about this, and after what felt like forever, I eventually stumbled upon an entry made a couple of days before they arrived and a couple weeks after they had.

The first entry mentioned that despite not wanting to come here, she seemed to have been happy since her father discussed a 'plan.'

The next entry from a couple of days after arriving here, she mentions that everything is going according to plan and she could not WAIT to go to college in the fall.

I could not believe it. This was all a lie. Throughout this entire time, she had me thinking that.....No! It does not matter in what she had me thinking. The only thing that matters now is trying to gather enough evidence to expose her father to my mom for the user and asshole he really is.

Throughout the next few days, I have been keeping my distance from Audrey and her father by staying at my future home.

The pain in my chest has become more unbearable throughout the night since I have been away from Audrey, but I can not just forgive her so quickly and besides, after hearing her tell me before in how close her and her father are, that is why I could not believe her when she stated she 'had no clue.'

Today, I finally decided to reply to Isla as both her and Rudy have been trying to get me to go and hang out with them for the past few days, but since I needed some alone time, I would always reply 'no.' That was until today.

I knew I needed to talk with them and I also knew I needed to see my best friends.

The only thing was I had just one condition, we were not to talk about Audrey or anything and they agreed.

I met up with them at our favorite little coffee shop and so far, things were going good. Then out of nowhere, I heard my phone go off and saw it was my mom.

The moment I answered, I barely was able to say anything because she sounded really upset.

"I need you to come home. NOW!" She stated, sounding a little distraught.

"What the hell is going on?!" I asked first.

"I will explain everything to you when you get here! Just come, right now!" She repeated.

"Alright. I'm on my way." I told her.

"What's wrong?" Isla asked concerned.

"I'll hit you guys up later and explain. I'm not sure what is happening, but I've gotta go!" I hurried and explained before quickly making my way out towards my motorcycle where I sped off towards the house.

I have not heard my mother sound as upset as she just did over the phone just now. I knew something was up and was hoping that Audrey's father had not been found by whoever those guys he was on the phone with the other night and I swear if they have they have my mom being held at gunpoint, I am going to lose my shit!

Next chapter will be posted soon!

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