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Throughout the next few days, both Audrey and I kept our distance from one another as she seemed to leave early on during the day.

I was no longer feeling any pain and since my mom has barely been home lately, it has been easier to hide the bruises and everything.

Something has been happening with me for the past week and it is driving me more crazy every day. I feel I have to be protective of Audrey. I have even felt bad for the way I snapped at her the other night when she was.trying to be nice to me. Even though I had no idea as to why and yet, I gave her the cold shoulder.

While meeting up with my friends at one of our favorite spots that is located a little outside of the Hamptons, as we sat down and ate, Rudy mentioned a party he was throwing this weekend.

I have been busy with many different things that I forgot entirely about.

"Cool." I tell him.

"You alright?" Isla asked.

"Of course. I've just got things on my mind is all." I replied.

"Is it about Audrey's birthday party?" She asks.

"Birthday party?" I asked as I tried pretending I never heard about it yet.

"Come on, you live in the same house." Rudy says.

"Yeah, but I didn't hear about a birthday party." I lied again.

My mom has spoken with Audrey a couple of days ago about it and just as I had predicted, she had plans set up that were very flashy and gotti-like in which I already knew was not something Audrey would want. Audrey and her ended up settling for a barbecue gathering and hopes that her friends could make it down here in time.

"Okay. You want to be like that, that's fine but, we've already told your mother we were coming." Isla finished before taking a bite.

"Do whatever you guys want." I shrugged.

"Also, I was going to invite Audrey to come to the party this weekend." Isla mentions.

"No!" I quickly responded.

They both looked at me bewildered.

"I mean, she told me the other day she had a horrible time at the fight the other night so, I doubt she would like the party." I tell them in hopes they believe me.

My god, I don't know why just the mentioning of Audrey's name gets me in a protective mode and sometimes makes me even jealous, just like I was that one night at the bonfire. This is wrong. I can not be feeling this way. In fact, I need to try and hurry in thinking of something to say before they get any ideas.

"Actually, you know what, yeah. She might have a lot of fun." I tell them before shoving the last big bite of food into my mouth and taking a drink.

Isla and Rudy continued looking at me as if I had lost my mind or something along those lines and maybe I have, but I feel as though they believe me. So I decided to change the subject before we finished eating then we took off towards the beach to meet up with one of our friends who owned a boat.

The rest of the day was a lot of fun as we drank and anchored in the middle of the ocean like we sometimes do to swim around without other people surrounding us and have our privacy.

During some point while looking for my favorite beer located in the fridge below deck, I was startled when I saw the girl I used to hook up with named Aria, standing a few feet away.

"What's up?" I greeted her with a nod.

"I wanted to apologize for not telling you about Travis and I." She starts to tell me.

Now even though her and I were never a couple, it still did upset me that she used me to get Travis to become jealous so that they could get together. However, I am not into playing games nor do I care in listening to her fake apologies.

"It is what it is. Let's leave it at that." I tell her before walking away.

"Wait. Can you do me a favor please?" She asks me.

Okay, she has some damn nerve now asking me to do her a favor. However, I can't help but let out a sigh before turning around and hearing what she wanted.

"What is it?" I asked coldly.

"Could you please tell your step sister that I did not know they were dating and am truly sorry she found out about him and I the way she did." She tells me.

I guess I refused to accept Audrey truly liked him after my warnings but, wait...

"What happened? How did she find out?" I asked out of curiosity and felt a little bad after she finished explaining. Then when she told me what Audrey did to Travis' car, her and I both shared a good laugh over it.

"You guys going to Rudy's party this weekend?" She asks.

"Not sure yet." I replied.

"Well, hopefully I'll see ya guys there." She says.

"We'll see." I replied before we made our way upstairs to join everybody else.

So that is why Audrey the other day told me not to 'worry about it.'

Around the time the sun was beginning to set, we headed back in to shore and as I was walking towards the house, I noticed Audrey sitting alone on a towel, near the entrance to the pathway that goes to my house.

It would probably be more logical if I were to instead go another way to avoid her but instead, decided to do the complete opposite and risk walking passed her. Besides, I had a message to give from Aria.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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