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I ran every red light. I did not stop at any signs. All I could think about was giving that asshole a piece of my mind.

The moment I pulled up on my bike then hurried my way inside the house, I immediately noticed that nobody was around. So I sprinted my way up towards my mother's bedroom and closed the door behind me as soon as I noticed her sitting on the edge of her bed, crying. Then I made my way over to sit beside her and began to rub her back.

"It's okay mom. He's not worth getting upset over." I begin telling her.

"I know, but..." She began, like always, whenever she was preparing to try and defend him just as she has always done with the others. Except, this time, she didn't.

"There are no buts this time!" I snapped.

"I know that. My God, Gaige! I don't need a lecture or even you telling me 'you told me so.' Right now I just need you to be here for me." She said through sniffles.

It took me a moment to calm myself down and to stop from pumping my fists from all the rage I was feeling inside towards that bastard.

"I'm sorry." I replied more softly and returned to rubbing her back a little while longer as she continued to mainly cry and not talk so much.

I truly felt unhappy whenever somebody hurt my mother because she is a great mom and a great person in general. She just becomes to gullible at times. Although it isn't like I should talk really. I fell for Audrey.

After a good long while, my mother asked me to leave while she laid down and took a nap. So I left her bedroom and right as I closed the door behind me, I saw Audrey standing right outside the room she has been sleeping in and we shared a moment of silence. She had her suitcase and I knew that they were leaving. In which, good. Right!?

I could not look at her. I knew if I did that I would return to feeling betrayed and that unruly pain inside my chest again. So I avoided eye contact. Though it did not keep me from noticing her trying to hide her sniffling.

I can not deny the fact that it killed me a little inside to know she was hurting. Maybe I should stop her. Maybe I should have her explain things to me. Could I have truly overreacted? Besides, this is what we wanted was for both our parents to break up.

Next thing I heard was the front door closing then a car leaving.

Why can't I move? Why do I want to even?!?


                Two months later

Time sure can pass by fast, but not in a good way always. Then there's always negatives at times for when time goes by slow as well.

My mother and I had returned back home in Boston.

I have spent the past couple of months trying to get over Audrey and focus on figuring out whether or not I want to go to college and for what.

Then while sitting down outside, scrolling through the internet at random things, I noticed my mother came walking out with a beer.

"You want another one?" She asked.

"Thanks." I replied while taking the beer from her hand.

She sat down across from me while taking a drink from hers before saying anything.

"So how have things been going?" She asks.

"They've been going." I told her.

"Is there, anything you wish to tell me?" She asked me.

"What do you mean?" I asked curiously.

"Like how you bought a beach house not too far from ours in the Hamptons." She mentioned with a raised eyebrow.

I was surprised. How did she find out? Not even Isla or Rudy knew about it. Did Audrey say something?

"How did you find out?" I asked.

"Honey, I know all the best realtors here. And besides, the guy who sold it to you, dropped off the keys a moment ago." She states while setting the keys down in front of me.

"Damnit!" I said under my breath.

"It's alright. But it is a rundown looking place. What do you plan to do with it?" She asked me.

"I had planned to refurbish it. Bring it back to what it once was. Make it my own, eventually." I admitted while trying to quickly forget the memories of me and Audrey when I showed her.

"That sounds great, son." She smiled.

"Yeah. It will be." I replied before taking a swig of beer.

We shared a moment of silence before she said something else.

"You know, it's alright if you miss Audrey." She randomly stated.

I looked at her with an upsetting look alomg with some confusion.

"What are you talking about? I don't miss her." I scoffed.

"Please. Don't think for one second that I didn't notice a few times how both you and her looked at one another." She continues to explain.

I swallowed the big lump in my throat before answering in a cold tone.

"Yes well, it doesn't matter." I tell her.

"We both know that's bullshit. And believe me, you are not the only one who cared about her." She tells me. "In fact, last week I found out she is living on her own and has enrolled in college even. She starts second semester." She smiles.

How could she afford it?! Then it hit me how.

"I can't believe you gave her money after what her and her father did!" I told her while shaking my head in disappointment.

"Oh come off it! She never had anything to do with what he had done, and YOU know it! And as far as her being able to afford college and to be on her own, it turns out that her father sold their home, gave her the majority of the money, then Audrey and him parted ways. That's how she could afford it all. And for the record, even if I had offered her money, in which I'm sure she would have turned it down anyways, it would be none of your business." She finished.

I still was in disbelief, but on the other hand, there was a part of me who was happy to know that Audrey was alright and was able to go to school after all.

My mother next stood up to head back in towards the house but stopped beside me briefly.

"I have made many mistakes in my life when it comes to love, but when you find that special person, someone who makes your heart flutter, makes it difficult to sleep because you know their touch is the only thing that can get you to fall asleep, you should never let them go, because if you do, you'll live in regret." She tells me before she continues to head back into the house.

My mother was right in the fact that she has made many mistakes in love. She has entrusted many with her heart and allowed each person to rip it apart. However, maybe she is right. Maybe I will end up regretting and maybe she was even right about the fact of Audrey not really knowing her father's plans.

Yet knowing what I had done to her and what I said that night at the club.....there is no way she would ever take me back, even if I tried. And I don't blame her.

Maybe it's better to just let things be...

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)
And I do mean soon as in I will post another chapter this Friday, Dec. 15th.

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