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Audrey and I took off to our future house and ended up staying there overnight.

There was a part of me that felt bad for my reaction to the news about our parents wanting to get married so soon, but then felt relieved at the same time I had not been the only one who thought it was a crazy idea - as Agatha had apparently 'accidentally' dropped a plate after the announcement.

However, the more that Audrey and I discussed it last night, the more I realized that there would be nothing we could do now in trying to split them up and that her and I needed to figure out how OUR relationship was going to be like from now on.

We ended up falling asleep after agreeing we would discuss it later. Then after we awoke this morning, we took our time before heading back towards the house where we noticed both of our parents were gone.

After walking inside, Agatha greeted us.

"Well good morning you two, or should I say, good afternoon." She smiled.

Audrey and I greeted her with a 'good morning' back.

"Where did our parents go?" I asked.

"So you really want to know?" She asked with an odd look upon her face.

"Yes." I told her.

"They went to your mother's office to fill out some things with her lawyer." She stated as she finishes wiping down the kitchen countertop.

"Oh." Audrey said under her breath with disappointment.

"Why?" I asked.

"She didn't say." Agatha responded while setting down her cloth and cleaning spray.

"I bet I know what for." I mumbled under my breath.

"And what is that?" Audrey asked.

"Probably doing a pre-nup or something." I told her.

"Listen you two, do not worry about anything. I have known Diana a very long time and I am sure she will postpone the date after thinking things over a bit more." She states.

"Yeah right." I scoffed. "You and I both know Agatha, that once my mother sets her mind to something, nothing and nobody gets in her way."

"We'll see about that. However, in the meantime, you both can try and put a little bit more effort in showing them it would be too soon to marry." She winked at us.

Agatha turned around and headed towards continuing with her house work in the other rooms, leaving both Audrey and I alone.

"I don't even know where to begin." I admitted.

"Me neither. I mean, I have thought of many different scenarios in how to possibly get them to listen to us and honestly, I have discovered that doing it the way most would, such as you and I trying to always fight and not get along or even if we were to tell them individually how much you and I loathe each other, for some reason, I don't believe they'll fall for it." She mentions.

"Me neither." I replied. "But Agatha's right, we need to think of something fast."

"Yeah, I know." She said.

Throughout the rest of the day, both Audrey and I had tried coming up with some ideas and even Rudy and Isla had come over to help us out but in the end, none of us had a clue as to what we could do that would actually be believable enough to work. So we all decided to sleep on it.

Few Days Later

Time was running out, seeing as to how much happier my mother seemed to be and for the past few days, Audrey and I have been working hard to try and convince both of our parents that getting married was a bad idea - still we thought of nothing.

Today my mother wanted to have a 'girls day out' and spend some alone time with Audrey. So while they headed out, I stayed behind and tried to get to know Audrey's father some more (just like mother asked me to do before she left).

I had felt a little awkward of the idea but not enough to NOT try.

Throughout the day, he had taken me to a couple of places that he confessed my mother told him were my favorite places to go to and as much as I hate to admit it, I felt like we were having fun and possibly bonding?! Of course, I did not let him know I was alright with hanging out because I needed to stay focused on the mission.

Then once we stopped to grab some lunch, after ordering, he started talking to me about things.

"Look, I understand that this all seems a bit awkward and I'm sure that you have no interest in your mother and I getting married, let alone it being so soon. But I want you to know that I do love your mother very much. And I know you're a young man and not some kid. However, I do hope that one day, we could possibly find a way to get along." He mentions.

I began drinking my soda while thinking of something to say.

"Yes well, I won't make any promises." I said coldly.

"I understand. I wouldn't want you to neither. In fact, if you'd like, we could cut this day short and tell your mother a good whige lie." He chuckled.

"Nah. She's too smart. She'll know." I chuckled as well.

"You're right." He replied.

When we had finished up with lunch, we went to a motocross shop then headed back towards the house and as much as I don't want to think this, let alone, say it, he surprised me. He reassured me during our talk at lunch that he would never want or expect me to ever call him dad. And in a way, that was cool.

Yet the task-at-hand still remains, how are we going to get them both to break up?!?

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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