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I meant what I said about how great yesterday was and that it truly was the best day of my life and had a memorable night as well with her in my arms.

After waking up and heading downstairs while I left Audrey to sleep more, I noticed both my mom and Bruce sitting at the table with her giggling like a school girl over breakfast.

"Good morning sweetie." My mother greeted me with a smile.

"Good morning." I replied while continuing into the kitchen to grab some coffee. "I thought Agatha was still gone?" I asked.

"She is. Bruce was sweet enough to make all of us breakfast. It's delicious. You should try some." She said.

"Yeah, I made plenty." He remarked.

"I'm actually not that hungry. Thanks." I replied while pouring myself some coffee in the mug.

My mother gave me a look that indicated I was being rude and that I should be polite on making a plate.

However, before I could say anything else, we saw Audrey coming downstairs rubbing her eyes.

"Good morning." My mother and Bruce greeted her.

"Morning." She replied while hugging her dad. She then looked over at me and smiled a little while greeting me as well.

"Morning." I smirked.

She looked over on the kitchen counter and noticed the food.

"Dad, did you make your infamous breakfast?" She asked Bruce.

"I sure did." He smiled at her.

"Yummy. Thank you!" She replied happily.

When she got into the kitchen and grabbed a plate, she looked over at me andd noticed I didn't have one, therefore she handed me a plate also and as soon as I grabbed it from her hand, I touched her hand underneath the plate and we smiled at one another before putting food on our plates then going to sit down.

The moment we sat down, her father startled us all.

"Oh, Audrey, I forgot you were on a diet." He comments.

"It's okay." I tell him.

"You are?" My mother asked.

"Yeah. I mean, sort of. I can figure out a way to work this off." Audrey replied.

I forgot that she was supposed to be in a diet. In fact, up until yesterday I noticed she was eating better but she doesn't eat like this all the time. She only had two slices yesterday at the pizza place and I knew she would have wanted more but did not.

"Yeah, in fact, I told her I would be her personal trainer." I blurted out.

Both my mother and Bruce looked at me along with Audrey, surprised.

"How nice of you." My mother replied with a smile.

"Thank you." Bruce said.

"In fact, we can start right after breakfast. Since we have everything you will need in the gym we have hear next to the home theater room." I mentioned.

"Okay." Audrey smiled.

"Do you both have plans for the rest of the day when you're finished?" Bruce asked.

"Not sure yet." Audrey replied.

"Well, I apologize that Diana and I have not been around as much to hang out with you both and we want to spend some time with you guys so, maybe tonight we can go out for dinner?" Bruce suggests.

There was nothing wrong in Audrey and I spending time together without them around, of course. In fact, I think Audrey and I agree it would be for the better and that way we could be affectionate without having to worry.

"Sure. Sounds good." Audrey replied with a smile as I did the same.

After we finished breakfast, our parents decided to run into town while Audrey and I headed towards the workout room and closed the door behind us.

I always lock the door to let everyone know, even if my friends stopped by, that I was working out and would be out when I'm done because usually I prefer to workout alone but Audrey is the ONLY exception to that rule.

There were only a few exercising machine equipment in here because my mother likes the elliptical, treadmill bike and her Pilates while I prefer more of the treadmill, weights and punching bag.

"So, is there anything you prefer doing?" I asked.

"The thing over here looks good." She says as she walks on over towards the elliptical.

"Okay." I replied while following after her. "Do you know how to use it?"

"I had tried it a couple of times a few years ago." She responds.

"Okay, well, if you want to try it, you can go ahead while I get on the treadmill next to you here." I tell her before starting on it and rapidly increasing my speed until I begin running.

She started going as well and I have to say she looks great while using it that I need to be careful I don't get too distracted and accidentally lose focus on what I am trying to do.

Though out the corner of my eye, I can tell that she looked to be a little bit uncomfortable as she occasionally looked over at me. In which made me stop.

"You alright?" I asked.

"Yeah." She says while out of breath as she continues.

"You sure?" I asked once again.

"I'm fine. It's just, watching you compared to me, I feel a bit...." She paused.

"Insecure?" I answered but hopes that was not the case.

"A little. I mean, it's a little intimidating having your good looking ass running right next to me and not even have broke a sweat or even out of breath, while my overweight self is struggling to try and not be too obvious as to how bad it is." She chuckled.

"Okay, well, first of all, thanks for calling my ass hot. And second, working out has nothing to do with other people and what they think. Everybody is working on themselves and if anything, if we were in a regular gym, I guarantee others would be thinking 'good for her.' Now, especially with it being just you and I," I began saying while walking up to her and snaking my arm around her waist then pulling her close to me before continuing, "There are other workouts I can think of that we can do." I wriggled my eyebrows up and down.

"Is that so?" She asked while looking up at me with her arms around me.

"It is." I replied as I moved closer to her lips.

"So much for going slow." She mentions.

I smiled before placing my lips onto hers and giving her a long passionate kiss before lust came in to play.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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