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Tonight was New Year's Eve and after finishing packing up my bags to get ready and head towards New York to watch the ball drop, I sat down on the couch in the living room for a moment while waiting for the rest of my friends to arrive, so we can head towards the airport together.

Isla and Rudy told me they would meet us at the hotel and even explained that they had a friend who was going to be one of the officers there near the gates - closest to the stage where a few good musicians were going to perform. Even Calum Scott was going to be performing there and I have always wanted to go to one of his concerts. So I am really excited about that.

Call me a nerd or just crazy in general, but I actually looked up to see what advice or the type of hacks I could possibly use that could make the experience really good.

There were a lot of different tips but some I read were a little off-putting, if you will. For example, there were people mentioning how it could be better if you wore adult diapers, since you can not leave the line (if you wanted to get back to it) due to the mass of people that will be there, it would be merely impossible. Now, I'm not judging anyone who does that, I mean do you, but that one at least was just not for me.

However, since I do not want to have an accident in my pants neither,  I decided not to drink or eat too much and be sure of course that I am bundled up real good and that I use the restroom beforehand.

Once all of my friends arrive and we give one another hugs, we next begin heading towards the airport.

I was excited to go and see the ball drop in person because it is on my bucket list of things I want to do in my life. However, when you read about what it is REALLY like, it can make you think twice.

Then again, because it is a once in a lifetime opportunity, I thought 'The hell with it! It's worth it!'

The plane ride was not too bad on the way there. Then after we were taken to our hotel, the moment we stepped into the lobby, we saw Isla and Rudy.

Both were excited just as much as we were, so we hurried to our rooms and got ourselves ready then met each other downstairs before heading towards a restaurant and during the middle of eating, Isla had gotten a text message from their friend who was going to help us get a great spot near the stage and up front against one of their barriers they have that supposedly helps keep the crowd control and for safety reasons I am sure, or something like that. Either way, it does not matter because we luckily know somebody.

I won't lie, I deep down wishes Gaige was here also.

When we eventually arrived to stand in our spot, people were just beginning to flood around the area. I knew people would more than likely hate on us for seeing us get special treatment but they said not to worry about it.

Isla ended up telling me they are thinking of reserving a special spot somewhere else that is just as good on views, etc but they are always booked further in advance than they can get them. Mainly because they forget to in time. No big deal though, this is still good.

Once we arrived, he helped us get in and throughout the rest of the day then the rest of the night, things were not too bad.

Some of the performances were great and looking around us at the many different things you always are on the TV, while leading up until the ball drops, such as that one guy from CNN and his co-host this year whom runs his own show begin talking and then finally the moment has come when Calum Scott comes out and begins performing.

It was really good and then right before he was about to sing his last song, he takes a moment to explain the next song.

"You know, before I play this final song here, with just minutes to spare before the ball drops and we all enter a new year together, someone asked me earlier if I could dedicate this song for them to a very special person who should be out in the audience tonight. This person wanted me to express how sorry they are for everything and how much they truly do love you and just as how I feel, as I am sure many do as well, this song expresses just how I feel." He explains.

I snapped my head to watch him the moment he said that and he began to sing. That was when I saw Gaige standing on the stage alongside Calum Scott and my heart dropped.
Any different mixed emotions began running throughout my entire body but I mostly began to feel happy.

Gaige gave Calum a nod with Calum continuing to sing and wink at him as Gauge started making his way down off the stage towards us.

I looked at Rudy and Isla along with my other friends and I could tell by the looks upon their faces that they each were in on this.

As he got closer, I began to feel a bit nervous and could feel myself beginning to tear up. They were tears of joy.

The closer he got the more nervous I began to feel.

He gave a nod to his friend and thanked him before his friend opened the gate and let him join us.

I never thought it was possible to have everyone and everything be suddenly tuned out as him and I just stood there looking at one another for a brief moment.

"Hi." He said.

"Hi." I replied.

I could tell by the look in his eyes we both were feeling scared and knew we both missed each other greatly.

Next thing I knew, I was throwing my arms around him as he wrapped an arm around my waist while holding the side of my face as our bodies clashed with one another and smashed our lips together.

My God, I have missed these lips of his and him holding me the way that he is right now.

Everybody begins cheering and many couples kissing one another as well while Gaige and I realize that it officially has become the new year.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

Hey guys, sorry for the delay on this one. It actually took me a good while to decide if whether or not so was wanting to leave it at this or do an epilogue. After much back and forth with myself in my head, I finally decided to do an Epilogue after all. So thanks again for the patience and understanding you all always show me. Hope you enjoy. :)

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