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I could not believe him and I had gotten to this place where he is helping me with anything, including with making dinner.

When he told me all that Aria had said, I actually felt bad for her and did not understand as to why she would stay with Travis, knowing he cheated on her but then again, sometimes that is what we do and yet have no idea as to why.

Personally, I believe it happens when we are desperate in finding love that we are focused on that along with sometimes feeling that other person will change their ways at some point that we continue holding on and ignoring the red flags and all the signs our heart even tries telling us or our gut. That is why love is complicated for the most part.

The next couple of days had passed by so fast that it suddenly was the weekend and time to go to Rudy's party.

My first thought to be honest after being invited was that I did not want to see Travis. However, between Gaige and his friends promising to not leave my side while there and after Isla begging me to go, I finally gave in.

My dad and Diana were staying in for the night and having a candlelit dinner outside on the patio while we left for the party.

Once we arrived, the party looked and sounded as if it had already had been going on for a while.

Once walking inside, I was immediately taken back by the gesture of feeling somebody hold onto my hand firmly and was surprised to notice it was Gaige as we started making our way through the sea of people in here.

We made our way through and finally found Rudy who was playing Mr. Bartender in the kitchen as he poured some drinks then handed them to us.

Isla seemed to have spotted the guy she met that night at the bonfire and I looked at her as she did with me and did not want her to feel as though she had to babysit me.

"Go get him." I gestured with a nod his way while smiling at her.

"Thanks." She chuckled before walking over towards the guy.

"Do you like the drink or do you want something else?" I heard Gaige say in my ear while trying to talk over the loud music.

"No! I like this one." I smiled before taking another drink.

"Okay but take it easy tonight." He tells me.

"Really?!" I looked up at him.

"I'm serious. I don't want you puking everywhere." He smirked and winked at me as I rolled my eyes with annoyance with how cute he is.

We stood there for a couple more minutes and already there were a few girls who had approached him and asked him to dance but he turned them down and I felt it was my fault and didnnot want him to think he needed to babysit me.

"You know, I appreciate you guys wanting to comfort me in being around me but, you seriously don't have to babysit me. You can dance with somebody." I tell him.

The way he just side-eyed me was hot and I tried to drink some more to keep myself from biting my lower lip and letting him notice what effect that little gesture did to me.

Next thing I know, he shocks me by removing the cup from my hand and setting both of ours down onto the counter before taking my hand and making our way through the crowd until we find some room where he snakes his arm around my waist and pulls me closer to his chest and places my arms around his neck before he starts moving his hips and grinds against me making me do the same and we continue looking into each other's eyes as we dance for a while.

Every now and then he would turn me around with my back against his chest as his face was near my neck while holding my hips and driving me crazy.

His hands felt good as they gripped onto my hips then sometimes when he would move them around my waist, I swear I he had me melting into his hands and I never wanted him to let me go.

I wanted to kiss him at one point then stopped and reminded myself that I can not think of him in such a way. It was wrong. Right?!?

Eventually, we stopped and went to grab ourselves another drink. I took off to use the restroom and told him I would be right back.

He did not catch me before I walked away and how I caught him trying to adjust himself without being obvious as I headed off.

I took a good hard look at myself in the mirror before fixing myself, taking in a few deep breaths then making my way back out to him.

I made my way through the hall upstairs where people were lingering around, drunk and making out among other things and right as I start to make my way through the crowd of people back towards the kitchen to meet up with Gaige, I noticed that Aria girl and him talking. Well, actually, it was more along the lines of her flirting with him.

Why was I feeling jealous right now? There is no need to. Besides, we just danced anyways - it didn't mean anything nor was supposed to. Yet, somehow it did.

Right as I turned around, I was stopped by Travis who grabbed my hand tightly and started yanking me away.

I tried to break free from his grasp but could not and nobody was paying attention, so they did not notice I was trying to ask for help. So we ended up heading into a random room where he proceeded to try and get back at me for what I did to his car.

He understimated me though. I won't go down without a fight.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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