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Smokescreen didn't stop his training there. He seemed to enjoy Jack's company, and mine as well, and before I knew it we were on a streak to help Jack get his confidence back against all those who've wrong him.

Smoke rolled into the base and Jack and I stepped out. Smoke laughed as Jack wheezed and I smiled at their happiness.

"Dude! My boss is gonna freak!"

"That thing we stuffed in his tailpipe—what's that called again?"

"Pizza!" They cried together, giggling like school girls.

"Will you two keep it down!" Ratchet huffed, "Arcee? Bulkhead? Can anyone hear me?"

The only response Ratchet got from the interface was static. My smile quickly fell and I stepped closer.

"What's happening?" I asked.

"Our sensors detected a second locator beacon. But I can't reach Optimus."

"I'll go." Smokescreen said, his voice now firm and steady.


"You have a better idea?"

Ratchet huffed, almost pouting, "Fine."

I watched as the old medic trudged over to turn on the ground bridge, before quickly going back to the monitor to listen closely for voices. Smoke looked between him, and the ground bridge, and then Jack and I.

"He says fine." The bot began, "But I don't think he wants me to go alone."

"No. I can't pull a Miko!" Jack replied quickly.

"I can." I countered, walking to the ground bridge.

"Ha!" Smoke grinned, following behind me, "You can still come if you can stomach it, Jack."

On the other side of the ground bridge was an open field. Jack looked distraught, but Smoke was ready to rumble the moment he stepped out beside us.

I kept up beside him, jogging. As we took cover behind some rocks, I peaked up with Jack to see a huge decepticon working fleet—and Megatron himself.

My eyes bulged, but Jack nor Smoke had noticed, "It looks like a sword?" Jack began as I frantically scanned the area again.

"It's not just any sword. That looks like the star saber. A legendary weapon forged by Solas Prime. As lore would have it, it's rumored to wield the power of the matrix. I'm gonna make Optimus proud."

"Smokescreen, hold your position." I quickly ordered, "Megatron is here."

The two boys turned to look. Jack cursed under his breath, but Smokescreen apparently didn't know fear.

"The dark lord himself. He won't know what hit him."

"Wait!" Jack quickly held out his hands, as if that would stop him, "Something isn't right. Why doesn't Megatron just take the Star Saber?"

"Um... germaphobe?"

I rolled my eyes, "That's not plausible in the slightest." I hissed, "We need backup."

"Alyona's right." Jack urged.

"You heard Ratchet, backup's not available."

"Smokescreen, as well trained and strong willed as you are, you cannot take down Megatron alone!"

"What, you don't trust me?"

"I—." He jumped to the lower level we'd been hiding from, and my eye twitched in annoyance.

"What is he thinking?!" Jack whispered, hands on his head.

"He's thinking with his elite guard, hero of the hour idea of himself." I huffed, watching as he ran swiftly into battle, not missing a beat with any of the lower class cons. He hardly even took any hits.

Transformers - Beyond What Meets The Eye - A 1215 FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now