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I was back the next day, and the next day after that. Not much happened other than greeting the autobots and hanging out with Miko and Raf.

When Miko found out I didn't listen to a lot of music, she showed me all of her crazy metal songs and I forced myself to suffer through them even though they kind of hurt my head.

When she was busy with Bulkhead, I'd observe Rafael working on his computer, typing away essays and doing coding and such on one tab, and then playing something on this website called 'cool-math-games' on the other.

Raf wasn't here at all today, so Bumblebee offered to go for a drive with me. I humbly accepted and slipped into the front seat behind the wheel, letting him take off into the dirt.

I rolled the window down and just breathed in the air for a second.

"Hey Bee, don't slow down okay?"

He buzzed in agreement, and I slowly undid my seat belt. He didn't ask, watching me carefully. I rose myself up and leaned my body out of the window, pulling my arms out and down beside me, I looked up to the sky and then let my eyes close.

When I opened them again to squint at the sun, tears flooded my drying eyes. I felt the wind, and breathed in the dust from the sand.

Be human, Fowler said, not a soldier.

I didn't need to be a soldier anymore, and in due time, Jack would understand me. Maybe I could understand myself too.


After a half an hour of driving, the way back being spent blasting old songs from the 80's and 90's, Bumblebee arrived back at the base and I slipped out of the car as he opened the door for me. Turning to face him as he transformed, he lowered himself down towards me and looked into my eyes.

"It was fun driving with you." He buzzed, "Let's go again sometime, whenever you need it."

My eyes widened slightly, sparkling with realization. He saw my pain and let me live it, not slowing down just like I asked.

I rose my hand and carefully pressed it to the side of his face plate. It was cool to the touch, but not too cold that it would make me flinch. It was a gentle cool, like the breeze on a hot day.

He was beautiful.

"Thank you, Bumblebee."

He seemed to smile, and then pulled back, standing to greet Optimus as he walked in.

"Bumblebee, I require your assistance."

Bumblebee nodded curtly and stood at the ready, seemingly excited to assist his leader on a mission.

"Good. Ratchet, please open a ground bridge."

As Rachet readied the ground bridge, the Prime turned to me, "Good afternoon, Alyona."

"Good afternoon to you as well, Optimus."

"It seems you are doing well."

"I like to think so."

He hummed, like he could see something in me I couldn't see yet, before turning to lead Bumblebee into the ground bridge.

I decided to ignore the weird feeling that got me, and turned to the open lane leading out of the base from the ground as Arcee made her way in with Jack. He slipped off the bike and took off his helmet, setting it aside as Arcee transformed.

That's when he noticed me, and immediately the light in his eyes seemed to fade.

"Here again? What might it be this time? Fowler's insistence again?"

Transformers - Beyond What Meets The Eye - A 1215 FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now