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At base, Bee was happier than I'd ever seen him before. Jack wasn't lying when he said he had something he wanted to tell us about. Raf offered his toy car for Bee to use as a demonstration tool, and he whirred about as he took the car through the sky, spinning it in a circle, yelling about how he successfully charged Megatron, grabbed the relic and flipped around- transforming in mid air, and back out of the ground bridge and home before Megatron "could even blink".

"A loopty-loop, huh?" Arcee commented, hands on her hips as she smiled proudly.

Bee jumped up to Raf, handing him back his car, "Thanks for this, Raf." He buzzed, stepping back and sighing happily, "Man, you shoulda seen it!"

"You have some brass bearings Bumblebee!" Bulk congratulated, smacking his chest plate.

"I couldn't understand a word he said." Miko commented, though stood there pretending like that wasn't true.

I raised a brow, "What do you mean you can't understand him?"

All three of them snapped their heads over to me, "You can understand Bee?" Jack asked.

"Yes. I was sure everyone could, despite it being obviously strained-"

"No!" Miko cried, "Only Raf can understand him! Why didn't you say you could?!"

I swallowed, clearing my throat, "I didn't realize it was necessary to admit it."

"What else haven't you told us?" Miko crossed her arms and eyed me suspiciously, making me particularly uncomfortable.

"Um... I'm not really sure what you'd consider to be hiding from you-"

Miko took a deep breath to speak again, but Raf quickly jumped in front of her, "Come on Alyona, wanna play some video games?"

I blinked, then nodded, "I've never played a video game before."

"THIS IS WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT!" Miko screeched, only to be ignored by Raf as he took my wrist and dragged me away from the girl.

Unfortunately, despite how much Rafael explained the game and talked excitedly about it, I didn't really like it. No matter how much Jack tried to give out pointers from behind the couch, and no matter how much Miko cheered me on, I couldn't find whatever it was that made this so enjoyable.

"This isn't anything like real driving!" I groaned in frustration, very slowly getting the hand of the controls in a desperate attempt to catch up to Raf in this racing game, who was cruising in first place.

"Well, of course it's not. Usually it'd be easier." Jack shrugged.

"It'd do you good to shut your mouth, Darby." I snapped, forgetting about my manners, I then proceeded to run my race car right off the track and spiraled into the dirt, finally coming in last place.

Miko snorted, quickly covering her mouth, "Are you sure you're a good driver?"

"What?" I hissed, "How could this," I sputtered, throwing my hand out at the screen, "Be any indication of my driving skills?! I'll show you good driving skills!"

I raised my other hand with the controller, filled with competitive fury, and Jack quickly snatched the controller out of my hand before I pitched it at the TV.

"Okay, that's enough of that."

I relaxed my shoulders, glaring at the far wall, "Sorry."

"Well, at least now we also know you've got a fiery competitive spirit. That's got some good, right?" Miko smiled wearily, and I sighed.

"What about chess? Can you play chess?" Raf asked, making my eyes light up as Miko fell to the floor in immediate horror.

"Yes, of course!"

Transformers - Beyond What Meets The Eye - A 1215 FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now