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That night, hours into the operations, auto bots had come to attempt to rescue BreakDown. The same green bot that almost got killed fighting him last night came banging down the metal door we'd placed in between the entrance to the tunnel and the underground corner of this base. The squad my father sent to mobilize him couldn't hold him - he was pissed, and wasn't held back by another bot.

Before I could meet him face to face though, my father grabbed my arm and snapped me out of my frozen state, the frozen state I'd been in since the operation began.

"Follow me, now!" He ordered, and for the first time his voice sounded more foreign than I ever remember it being when he asked me to do something in that tone.

It didn't have a touch of worry, or concern, but maybe... an obligation to keep me alive? Why have I never seen him this way before?


We retreated tactfully, and the team took refuge at an older base for the time being. My father dropped me off at the old house and then went back to debrief with his men, letting me have the rest of the night to myself. I felt like I should be grateful, or something, that he was at least letting me get some shut eye.

But as I laid there in bed, staring into the dark waiting for my eyes to adjust even just a little bit, I thought about how I had nothing to be proud of. Nothing I'd become would be anything my mother was proud of, only my father. And even then, I still had so much to learn according to him.

Is all this, is MECH... really my purpose?


"Suppression fire only, we take this one alive."

I readjusted my grip on my gun, and as the forest dwelling robot jumped from above, firing down at us, I moved swiftly to avoid getting hit. I had every reason to believe that even in the dark, their sight wasn't hindered in the slightest, so using the shadows wouldn't help me.

"Tight formation." My father called, and I took in a slow, careful breath as I gazed through the night vision goggles.

The small crew jumped down the small cliff together and stuck in close, myself right behind my father and beside another young recruit named Samson, 25 years old and a military school drop out. The only thing my father really taught him was how to shut up.

I looked up to the left, squinting through the yellow light illuminating the things around me. I just managed to catch a glimpse of something coming at me and stopped short. I twisted on the ball of my foot and took off straight to the right, pressing my back against a nearby rock. We'd moved into some tight terrain, and this one knew exactly how to use the Earths elements to their advantage.

When my father opened fire I followed, getting a closer look as she focused on the men closest, I realized she had feminine features. That was really the least of my concerns, though, considering whatever she was firing at us wasn't a blast of hot energy this time. It was a thick, extremely sticky web like concoction.

The extra parts to her that several of the other bots we'd observed didn't have gave everything away in a matter of seconds. She was posing not as a vehicle, but as a spider. 

In the commotion, she managed to grab my father and trapped him down in said webbing, coming in close to talk with him. She left me because I stayed out of her way, I theorized as her and my father spoke, most likely making a deal, she knew Silas was the leader and mobilized everyone so she could talk to him in peace. She's smart, much smarter than the other ones we've seen before.

In an odd way... I liked this one. She was different. Maybe, I could get a better opportunity to talk to her.

Back at the base, the cybertronian took her time walking around and exploring our little human materials, smirking and scoffing as she thought to herself. Silas got situated at the big desk and she slowly crept up behind him as he began to ask questions. She easily uploaded a surveillance camera video from her ship, weeks ago, with a recording of a human and an autobot that she was after for revenge. My father used his tech to up the quality of the imagery and get a close up of the boy's face.

Transformers - Beyond What Meets The Eye - A 1215 FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now