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"Hey! Wake up!"

I gasped, and then choked and coughed on the dust, curling over as I gagged.

"Oh thank god." Jack's voice softened just for a second, before he stood up, "Get up. We gotta find Arcee."

I shook my head, running a hand through my hair, I grimaced at how much dust puffed off of it.

"Arcee?" Jack yelled out, and a shiver ran up my back.

Scrambling to my feet, I ran over to him as he called out to his partner again, "Stop!"

"What?! Why would I-"

"If it wasn't sensitive before, it is now. And a lot worse than you think. You yelling for Arcee could cause another avalanche of rock and we'll be buried alive."

I did my best to speak calmly, even though on the inside I was freaking out. We were stuck, no deception of which way was left or right, no way to know for sure if there were any pathways left to venture down to even figure out if we were headed out, or deeper down.

Worst of all, I was stuck with the one person in this world who hated me the most right now.

"Fine." He agreed simply, moving past me to start making his way through the rubble.

I followed him in silence, and we helped each other climb over slopes as we continued looking for signs of life.

"Arcee? Bulkhead!" Jack yelled again when we walked into a bigger opening, but it didn't help my worries.

"Jack." I began again, "Before, in that clearing, there were about four old decepticon drilling machines. If we find one of those, we can move around safely. But for now, could you-"

"Stop yelling. Look I get it, but I have to try. I won't yell constantly, but it'd really help if I could at least hear someone."

I sighed, swallowing as I continued to follow him blindly through the dark.


"Jack, I'm serious. Stop yelling. We can hardly even see, if something cracks from below, or falls on us from above, we won't see it coming fast enough. I suggest-"

He whipped around, eyes dark and angry, "You're really getting on my nerves right now. For someone who came straight from MECH ranks, as Silas' daughter, you're a bit too ready to shit your pants right now. What, never been trained for this? Need to sit down and have a drink of water?"

"No. I just-"

"Just what? Scared you're gonna die down here? Jeez. If all MECH soldiers are this pathetic then it really shouldn't be that hard to defeat them after all."

"You are insufferable, you know that?" I huffed in reply, "Maybe I-"

"I'm the insufferable one?! You should hear yourself talk right now. Even dealing with Miko's air guitar and tone deaf singing would be better."

I took a breath, my knuckles turning white from how tightly I was fisting my hands, "Maybe I want us both to get out of here alive! Maybe I'm worried about you!"

He paused, and then scoffed a laugh, "You're worried about me? Seriously? That's a first."

"I couldn't do anything that night, okay? I couldn't! I couldn't turn against my father, not like that. I- I had to escape first before I could worry about helping other people. I had to make a choice and it wasn't easy but at least I did it! At least I saw that what he was doing was wrong!"

He eyed me, and then slowly his face changed from angry and annoyed to something else, but I couldn't really see him.

"I'm not used to all of this! I don't know how to be a normal kid, Jack, because I was a child soldier! I wasn't some normal highschooler who met my dream car that could talk, and-and bring me to a place of solace! I was trapped, and alone, and I'm sorry I wasn't strong enough to stand up for you and your mom at the time but I'm trying!"

Transformers - Beyond What Meets The Eye - A 1215 FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now