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The next day, after another lousy night of less than necessary hours sleeping, Fowler took me down to the engineering ward and reunited me with my old motorcycle.

"Luckily for you, it's been cleared." He announced proudly, "No trackers, no bombs, no cut wires. Not a thing you have to worry about driving it now, other than driving it safely."

I smiled as I looked down at it, tracing my finger over the red paint. My father bought me this Honda CBR1000RR the day I turned 16 and got my official license. Well, official license under him, anyway. It seems this was the one thing he ever trusted me with, more than he trusted my own body.

Then again, who's to say the tracker wasn't just to make sure that he could confirm when I was finally dead and out of his way? Being a father must have been taxing on a man with so much on his hands already.

"Along with this, now that your arm is healed well enough, we've agreed to let you have your blades back in your possession."

My eyes widened as he took them from a standby officer, handing me the knives still strapped in their belt, "You... can't be serious?"

"You told me they were a gift. We had these looked over as well, cleaned and sharpened, and decided that you could have them back. As long as you kept them away, in a safe place, and agreed not to ever dare try and sneak them into school."

"Of course." I quickly replied, pushing back the thought that I would most definitely sneak them into school, for an unnecessary reason of 'but what if this (very unlikely thing) happened?'

He smiled, and then led me out of the engineering ward to meet with Natasha, who grinned upon seeing me and held up a backpack,

"I got you some things for your first day of school. A bag, notebooks and a pencil case full of stuff. On top of that, there's a nice outfit in here for you. I hope everything fits."

I took the bag from her, it was heavy from the weight of things inside of it. They'd really gone all out.

"You didn't have to do this for me."

"You're right, I didn't." She replied simply, "But I wanted to. And you deserve this Alyona, no matter how much you think this is unnecessary. School is important and a big part of every kid's life. Not everyone loves the experience, but the things you learn are important. So go out there and make some good friends. Friends you can do childish things with, alright?"

I nodded, slipping the back pack over my shoulders, "Does it look okay?"

Fowler placed a hand on my shoulder, "It looks perfect. Now, there's no more time to waste!"


After getting changed, Fowler drove me off to the school. He told me that after today, I could drive myself to school or hitch a ride from one of the auto bots if they were free. He basically went through a full briefing reminding me of my fake name to which everyone should call me by, and that no one was to know anything about any military insight no matter what.

Then, to top it all off, he strategically added to 'act natural' just before I shut the car door and he drove off.

Thanks for the great advice, Special Agent Fowler. I sighed, turning to face the bustling entrance to the school, crowded with kids walking in and groups meeting around the stairs.

I had memorized the layout of the school map last night when I couldn't fall asleep, so I shouldn't have a problem finding my classes.

Only thing I didn't really do was rehearse this 'fake identity' thing. I'd never had to blatantly pretend to be anyone else, especially not with a different name.

Transformers - Beyond What Meets The Eye - A 1215 FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now