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After five minutes of examination, and the entrance of Bulkhead and the retrieved weapon, June called on Jack to help transport Raf to the car, so she could take him to the emergency room.

"Nurse Darby." Ratchet quickly spoke, "Your doctors won't be able to comprehend what's affecting him, not without a decade of study."

"I don't have time to argue." June retorted, going to push the bed with Jack's help, Ratchet quickly continued.

"The effects of an energon blast on an autobot can be devastating enough, but this is a human- and I'm not getting any readings."

He looked up from his hands and back to the screen, "How could I not have seen this? Rafael's been infected with dark energon."

The others stood in shock, and June paused with her son to look up at Ratchet for a further explanation, "If dark energon is devouring Raph from the inside out, we must expel it, and fast."

The doctor took to scanning the boy again, this time for sure checking the level of dark energon in his system instead of questioning whether he should or shouldn't.

"The only possible way I know," He continued, "I need energon!"

I watched him move quickly, his momentum settled well as he became one with his element and confident in his work.

Bee offered his own blood and Ratchet took it without question, because we really were hanging on by the seconds. He was going to use regular energon to cast out the dark, which should help exponentially to level out Rafael's system and get him on the road to recovery.

After preparing a shock zone, June ran Raf's bed into the room and moved back out with everyone else. Ratchet locked the room and set up the system to disperse the energon like a shock wave, much like how the original shot of dark energon from Megatron's canon would have been like.

A bright light flooded the base, and then the doors opened a second later as I blinked to adjust my eyes.

"His pulse rate is stabilizing." June announced, smiling as Raf struggled to open his eyes.
Once his eyes were open for good, Miko quickly dove down to hug the younger boy and I watched June place her arm around her son, thanking him for his help.

We'd saved Rafael, against all odds.


While June continued to monitor Raphael and Ratchet and Bulkhead ran out to assist Optimus, the rest of us were told to take a walk.

We'd just been through a stressful situation and a minute to clear our heads would help. Or, that's what June said. I wondered if this is what it was always like for kids my age, getting time to sit and think, take things in, because no kid my age should have to struggle through those things.

The understanding, patience and respect were things morphed and twisted at MECH.

Miko was quiet as we took a lap around the base, but mumbled different conversation starters anyways.

"What's your favorite color, Alyona?"


"Your favorite food?"

"Don't have one."

"What?!" She gasped, eyeing me suspiciously, "How could you not have a favorite food? Pizza or pasta? Cheesecake or layered cake or-or ice cream cake! What about on your birthday, didn't your parents get you your favorite?"

"My... birthday?" I repeated slowly, thinking back to the last time I had a real birthday, "Um... I'm still not sure. I'd probably just ask for whatever I felt like at the time."

Transformers - Beyond What Meets The Eye - A 1215 FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now