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Merely a day after Bulkhead's brain was cleared of the ancient technological information that had been accidentally transported inside of him by none other than our wonderfully genius Miko, Ratchet took what he had from what Bulkhead had written and started to formulate a Synthetic Energon.

Jack was busy doing some 'project' and Miko was probably off somewhere fixing her guitar, or playing it obnoxiously loud in her homestay.

I was here at the base surrounded by my grandparents' journals and some printed things from Ratchet and Fowler of Cyberglyphics. I was trying to write out a dictionary of sorts to translate the language to English. I already knew I'd probably never be able to speak it, and only read it, but just being able to read it might really help us in the long run.

Rafael was the only one also in the base, and he sat beside me and watched quietly for a few moments before shooting out questions. I answered all of them the best I could, before I got tired enough that I wanted to ask him my own questions.


"Yes?" He quickly replied.

"Did you skip a grade?"

"Two grades, actually. Well- only technically. I skipped Kindergarten, and then skipped grade 5."

I blinked. Jesus Christ this kid really was a boy genius.

"Why did you skip kindergarten?" I asked, though not really sure what that was myself.

He shrugged, "I could understand code since I was three. My parents took notice and after some tests, the school board agreed to move me up a grade."

I guess understanding code at that age would be equivalent to understanding reading and writing.

"Do you enjoy it?"

He tilted his head, "What do you mean?"

"Do you enjoy... coding and technology? You were basically pre-set with the talent without a choice, much like I was with being a soldier. But, do you actually enjoy it?"

He smiled lightly, "Yeah, I do. I love learning, and working with computers. It helps me feel at ease."

I hummed, "You've been watching me this whole time. Want to help me learn this?"

His eyes lit up, and something in me lit up too, "Yeah! Can I really?"

"Of course you can."

We spent the next half hour sorting out my work. Rafael cleaned everything up almost easily, like he'd been planning it in his head this entire time.

He asked some more specific questions about my grandparents' work, flipping through their journals. I let him see the tiny energon crystal I always kept with me, but quickly got side tracked when Rachet walked back over towards us with a large tube of thick, but somewhat translucent green liquid.

Rafael set the crystal down and slid off the chair, walking up to the edge of the platform to get a closer look, "Is that the synthetic energon?"

"Yes. In fact I'm preparing to test a sample."

Ratchet replied, fixing a syringe like device to the end of the tube, "I see that you come equipped with protective goggles."

"I can watch?" Rafael's glowing eyes were certainly a sight to see. It was blinding to me, and bright enough to make Ratchet laugh.

"We just add some to this testagine..." Ratchet trailed off as he injected the energon, which filled the device laid out before him. It lit up and started whirring almost immediately, and Rafael was quick to get excited.

Transformers - Beyond What Meets The Eye - A 1215 FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now