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That night, Raf and I looked at some pre-downloaded data on Raf's computer before it got too late, and then slept in the car while Bee kept on the road, getting as far away from that town as possible. Raf had kept records of the suggested locations on the websites he and Jack used to look for evidence of Cybertronian activity on. It's how we protected them, a small job for us young humans, and it's how we found Smoke Screen. Now, it'll be how we bring our team back together.

Bee headed South, keeping an eye out for any autobot he could sense. It was dark. The steady speed, and the sound of the car gliding over the road made my eyes fill with tears as I shut them to finally fall asleep.

I don't know if I'll ever tell Jack that I love him. I don't know if I could ever even tell the auto bots how much I love them, either. But I should. I should do it before it's too late.

Early the next morning, I jolted awake when Raf shook me.


I jumped up, eyes hard and stinging, "Where?!"

"Above us." Raf replied, "Sorry. I didn't mean to scare you."

"I'm not scared." I replied, trying to peek out the window.

Just as Raf said, there it was. A suspicious looking jet flying awfully low to the ground. Jeez, they took over Jasper Nevada and suddenly think they don't have to keep a low profile? Someone needs to tell Megatron that Jasper is not a mighty accomplishment.

Bee pulled over under a tree, and Raf and I stepped out.

"Clear." Raf said, the both of us still looking at the sky.

Bee transformed and peered up for himself, sighing, "That was way too close. They must be anxious to find us."

"Too close." Raf agreed, "Your new paint job did the trick."

I placed my hands on my hips, "Try the comp link again. Maybe someone is nearby. It's been two days already."

Bee paused, but buzzed negatively. No links.

"I know Optimus sent us out to all different places so it would be harder for the cons to find us." Raf exclaimed, "But if we don't know where anyone is, how are we gonna find them?!"

Bee put his hands up, "I wish I knew, buddy. For now, we have to keep moving."

He transformed again and opened the doors. I frowned and took one last look at the sky.

"You okay Alyona?" Raf asked, "Can I sit in the front seat this time?"

"No. It's busy today. If we get pulled over we'll get a ticket."

He cried in annoyance, but obliged anyways. I slipped into the drivers seat and gripped the wheel as Bee drove back up onto the road and merged back in with the flow of traffic quickly. Everyone was most likely headed back to Jasper. I have no idea what Smoke might have done, other than run back in at the last second to try to save Optimus. What a ridiculous, stupid, suicidal idea. Definitely something Smoke Screen would do.

"Who would be easiest to find?" I wondered, "Without waiting to see if we cross paths?"

"I wonder..." Raf opened his laptop, and opened up Google.

"Raf. We really should avoid any connection to—."

"I know, I know. I want to see if there's been any updates on the conspiracy sites. It's possible there's a picture of one of the auto bots on here. I'll only be a few minutes, promise. I'll be off long before they can trace anything."


"Find anything good?" Bee asked after a moment.

"Nope. Just the same old rubber masks and bad CG. But—wait!" Raf gasped, "I found something!"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29 ⏰

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