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After I was finished with June, she gave me a tight hug. Usually people touching me made me anxious, but when she wrapped her arms around me the anxiety mixed with something else, this weird emotion and a clutching in my chest hardened and lingered even after she let go.

I thought about it my entire way to the base, Fowler driving me in his old Honda.

I know he gets paid well. Why doesn't he buy something new?

I shook the thought out of my head as we drove up to the base, following the one lane road into the main room, where Ratchet turned from his desk and I watched his feet step carefully around the floor, even though his footsteps still made a considerable sound. I turned to look out the other window as Fowler parked.

I saw Arcee's feet, and Optimus', and then Miko and Raf came running out from behind them, Jack beside Arcee hesitated to run with them.
I turned back to the front and took a breath.
Maybe they really were worried about me. What should I say?

"You getting out of the car or what?" Fowler asked, and I huffed, quickly turning to open my door.

Stepping out, Miko cheered, "She lives!"

I deadpanned, of course she would say something like that.

"You really scared us, Alyona!"

I scared them? He does realize he almost died not even a month ago, right?

"It was just a fever. I'm much better now."

"Just, a fever?" Jack asked, and I looked up to him as he neared, "You passed out- and-and didn't wake up for almost three days! That's not just a fever!"

"It was, just a fever." I insisted, "That was the diagnosis, that's what happened. I slept it off, and ate this morning. I'm feeling fine now."

He narrowed his eyes, "And what caused the fever?"

I blinked. Oh, I get it. It's not the fever they're worried about... it's why the fever happened.

"Lack of sleep, stress, and malnourishment." I answered honestly, "I'm sorry."

His shoulders slumped for a second, "Sorry? You don't have to be sorry. Just-"

"Alyona look! Look!" Raf yelled out from across the room, quickly pulling my attention away from Jack and to the boy, and Bumblebee, who transformed without a problem.

I gasped and Miko smirked, "While you were sick, Bee got his t-cog back and Ratchet was able to repair the damage! Now, he can transform again no problemo!"

"Thank goodness." I breathed, smiling as Bee transformed back and looked at me with wide, happy eyes.

He was okay, and Jack was right. He'd never blame me, no one would, and no one ever did. I didn't have to worry so much anymore.

"Now, the gangs all back together!" Miko cheered again, jumping up and down as she skipped over to the side, where her electric guitar was propped up, "Let's jam to some-"

"No!" Jack quickly yelled, looking hysterical and very afraid, "Please, no more."


We got Bee's T-cog back. But MECH wasn't finished. Nothing had happened yet, but I was waiting.

The nightmares didn't stop even after I talked about them to the therapist June recommended and got diagnosed with PTSD. The road to recovery, she kept telling me, wasn't going to be easy but it was possible. I asked her, if when MECH was finally taken apart, if it would get easier, but she just pursed her lips.

She was kind, though, so I decided I was open to going back for monthly visits.

I was also back at school, and since it was getting hotter than it normally was, I was wearing more short sleeves and getting a lot of unnecessary stares. Some random girl in the hall even asked where I got it from, and I blurted out that it was from a car accident months ago.

Transformers - Beyond What Meets The Eye - A 1215 FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now