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As the shaking calmed down, Ratchet took a step back and everyone slowly looked up.

"There could be aftershocks." June warned, and I stayed on my knees as everyone stood.

"Do you think?" Jack asked.

"I do." Ratchet nodded in reply, turning to the screen as it reset itself. Up on the screen, five signals booted up and shined brightly.

"Yes!" Fowler cheered over everyone else, hugging June tight and momentarily making me forget my prior worries, "Ah- sorry."

Ratchet was able to open a ground bridge in no-time, but only three walked through.

"Arcee!" Jack ran down the steps, smiling, but it fell when he saw the looks on their faces.
Ratchet was quiet, but they didn't speak until he asked first.

"Dead? No." Arcee replied.

"He looked right at us without recognizing us. Didn't even know his own name."

"When Optimus surrendered the Matrix of Leadership, he lost more than the collective wisdom of the Primes. He lost his own memories."

"That doesn't follow." Arcee quickly snapped back, "Optimus knew Megatron."

"They were like BFF's."

"If Optimus did not know his own name, perhaps it's because the title of Prime, hasn't yet been granted to him. With the power of the Matrix no longer within him, it would stand to reason that Optimus has reverted to his pre-prime state." Ratchet conspired, "The historical archivist. Orion Pax."

As the debriefing came to an end, we discussed our next move. Ratchet told Jack that the duty Optimus bestowed upon him by giving him the key included a dangerous mission to Cybertron and into the core, where Primus still stirs.

That's when the desperation got too hard to bear. Is this how Megatron felt when he desperately tried to convince the counsel to hear him, but they only heard someone else?

Sure, he was cruel in his ways but there's always two or more ways to get to the same result. Some people think one is better than the other, and that's what divides people here on Earth, too. I wasn't Megatron, I knew that, I knew I was better, but it still hurt.

I lived my whole life waiting, and appreciating the possibility that this alien planet and the life it gave birth to was real, that I would get to know them in a way none of my predecessors could. I fought so hard for that, by leaving my father. I had a scar on my arm to prove it.

And now, after all the nightmares and the anxiety and the hard adjustment period, after all the fighting to be understood, to prove myself, I was watching someone else get the one thing I would have wanted. The one thing I would have proudly accepted with no hesitation.

"Jackson Darby, you will not be traveling to another planet!" June said immediately, shoving her finger down.

"Ratchet, I have the background to complete this mission." I began, "If anything prevents Jack from going, nothing prevents me. I have the strength, the speed, the steady focus, to handle the heavy stakes of this mission."

"None of you should be going!" June scoffed, "Not when one of you can."

"June's right. Why send the boy to do a bot's job?"

"Because only a Prime can access Vector Sigma. Or one chosen by a Prime. Optimus gave the key card to Jack. It is now imprinted with his unique biosignature."

"So you mean Jack's like some kind of honorary Prime?"

"Let's just say Jack, is the only one who can return Optimus to the auto bot we knew."

Transformers - Beyond What Meets The Eye - A 1215 FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now