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"WHAT?!" I screamed.

I stood there, enraged to hear that the reason Arcee was caught up was because her and Smoke Screen got into a fight and he ran off, only to get captured by Decepticons, because some how, Alpha Trion put the last Omega Key into his body.

"We go back to school and all of a sudden no one's keeping me up on the lore!!" Miko freaked beside me, hands on her head, "This is insane! How did he even get the key in him? Did he eat it?!"

"No, Miko." Ratchet sighed, "He did not eat it."

I pinched the bridge of my nose, "What happened?"

"We just told you—"

"No." I interrupted, meeting Arcee's eyes, "What did you say to him?"

She frowned, "I... I told him that he had to stop putting himself and his destiny before us. He was obsessed with being a hero, and he needed to calm down before he got himself killed."

I refrained from starting an argument. She was far kinder than what my father would have done in the same situation. What I probably would have done in the same situation. The Autobots had been on constant move for weeks now, especially when the school term started. We were out of their way and they were always out of the base on missions across the world, racing against the Decepticons. They're stressed out. They're at their wits end... and last time I was over-worked I was on bed rest for days.

"We have to get him back." Jack said simply, "They'll tear him apart to get that key!"

"Trust me, I know. But it's hard enough to locate the Decepticon warship, let alone get one of our bots on it." Ratchet explained, "We're keeping an eye out for now."

"For now?" I whispered, my hands clenching into fists at the thought of him being left for scraps somewhere in the ocean.

He was mine. My guardian, my impossibly difficult but impossibly skilled alien partner. I wanted him back... but I was just a human in a war between metal titans.

"Hey, Alyona, I know you're probably worried, but did you want to look at cyberglyphics with me while we wait?" Raph asked. I wasn't listening.

Smoke was difficult. He was young and fucking stupid, he made every recorded rookie mistake there was to make and somehow got out perfectly fine. He was absolutely insane, and fearless. Something this team never had but desperately needs to get them through the last stretch of this war. He also, had a knack for stealing things from the base's storage units to use for his advantage.

"He's gonna make it out on his own."

"What?" Raph blinked, Bee turning to look at me from his conversation with Bulk Head.

"Smoke Screen to base!"

I smiled. Jeez, he's good on time too.

"I really need a ground bridge!"

"Setting coordinates..." Ratchet trailed off, pausing, "Strange."

"What's the problem?" Arcee asked.

"Smoke Screen's telemetry data doesn't make sense. I can't lock onto his position."

Think, Alyona. Think like him.

"He was taken to the warship, right? He's mid air!"

"Yes, yes!"  Ratchet worked quickly, and I still hadn't moved from my spot, helmet still in my hand. Jack stood beside me, "He's free-falling! Smoke Screen! I'm opening a ground bridge directly below you!"

"Brace yourselves. I'm gonna make an entrance."

"Clear a path!" Arcee demanded, and Jack edged me off to the side.

Transformers - Beyond What Meets The Eye - A 1215 FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now