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Us girls must stick together. Her voice whispered in my mind.

He never let anyone use him. She taunted, indirectly pointing right to my father.

The woman about to torture and kill not one, but two humans and one auto bot, was trying to help me flee from my fathers clutches. From the control of overbearing, selfish men. Maybe that's why she was an ex-con. Maybe she stood where I stand right now, with some different form of failing trust or dislike for her leader and the people she worked with. Suddenly able to see for herself, suddenly able to know what she wanted after being told what she should want her entire life.

I should listen. I should run away.

But I can't. I can't go to my mother, I can't go to any orphanages. I don't even know my way around, my father never really let me go anywhere without him. Even then, I'd only travel in between bases and our old house. And what did I have without him?

I have to go. I can't stay, I can't watch this happen. I can't... become this. I thought he was better than this. How did he change so fast?
Or was he like this all along?

Atronus suits you best.

Yeah. I'll get a new name. I'll figure it out. I'll live a better life... like this Megatronus she spoke of. I could do that, right?

Maybe I'm deciding to fast?

I shook my head again, groaning slightly. A car horn honked and I snapped out of it for good, realizing it was beginning. She was here, Jack's mother, and he was soon to follow.

I'd be a criminal, just like my father.

When I looked into the mothers eyes, full of fear and confusion at the garage entrance to this temporary base, I felt disgust not just in my father, but in myself. Arachnid took her and stuck her to a high post, and within seconds the device implanted in Jack's home was turned on and connected to our systems. We could now track and hear everything that they said.

They headed over immediately, and I played it cool. I watched, more than I'd ever watched my father before. I listened to truly hear his words, and convince my pounding heart that I was making the right choice by listening to Arachnid.

I'd rather be a criminal that turned to the light, than a criminal eaten by the dark like my father. I had to make that choice.

Arcee, the cybertronian Arachnid was after, was easily cornered. Arachnid tied Arcee's arms to her body with her webs, allowing the MECH crew to surround her and her human partner, Jack.

"Help them!" She began, "They're human, like you. Don't let Arac-"

"A few human lives are a small price to pay for a miracle of science like yourself." My father replied swiftly, without hesitation, and then it snapped.

Everything, finally, snapped. My heart slowed down, my mind was still racing, but I could focus now.

A few? Almost twenty of his men had already died on these missions. What about me? When I'm the next one to get stomped on, or thrown in a car accident, or obliderated by a bomb going off... will I just be another 'sacrifice' for a miracle of science, that's really more like a mad scientist desperate for more power?

"I'm still learning about human kind." Arachnid began, Arcee had been shot down by the same voltage stamp that knocked out Breakdown, and two men stripped Jack of any communication devices he had on him,

"One thing is clear to me Jack, you people care deeply about family. Therefore, the sweetest revenge I could have upon you is to have you watch as I rip your family apart."

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