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My phone rang, and I shut my eyes to listen to it ring three more times, before I quickly pulled it out of my pocket and answered.


"Alyona! Where have you been?! I've been looking everywhere for you!"

"Sorry, Fowler." I sighed, looking down, "I was... just out driving."

"Well, drive your ass back to base."

"Are you angry with me?"

"Are you going to avoid coming back if I am?"

I sighed, "No. I'm just going to prepare myself."

"I am not mad, Alyona." He chuckled lightly.

I shut my eyes. I had to accept it, to be happy for Jack. It's the best way to move on from this. And even though I felt worthless, and I felt like I'd never receive what seemed so easy for him to receive, I couldn't fall into darkness like my father did, or like Megatron did.

"Alright. I'll be there in twenty."

"Don't speed-"

I hung up, shoving the phone back into my pocket. I wiped at my face again, making sure it was at least dry, before I walked back to my bike, swung my leg over the seat and took off down the road, opposite to where Knockout headed.


The next couple of days were hard. Arcee was able to hop through a decepticon ground bridge onto their mothership, but wasn't able to confirm Optimus was even on board.

Bulkhead was getting frustrated, really frustrated, and started hitting things that Ratchet needed. Bee just stood there, for the most part, with this solemn look in his eye.

Bulkhead wasn't the only one furious in his frustrations, though. So was Fowler, and it made being around him a lot harder than usual. Aside from the fact that his cooking was well below sub-par, now that he was under all this pressure from the Pentagon, I was stuck just as much as everyone else. If he had to shut down the auto bot base because of this, I'd lose everything I'd gained.

Jack, Miko and Raf would lose their auto bot partners, and there's probably little to know how we'd be able to keep the friendship between us without this.

The bots were fighting, out of order. Optimus' calm was gone.

But Jack had that same calm too.

"Aren't we overlooking one positive?" He asked, interrupting another argument, "Nobodies talking about what the Cons just got their claws on."

"Yes. We managed to allow them to acquire a power source for their space bridge."

Arcee put her hands on her hips, "How exactly would that be a positive?"

"We let them finish building their space bridge." He smirked in reply, "So we can commandeer it, and use it to send me to Cybertron."

"Wow." Miko blurted, "That's a pretty good idea."

"Well, if Miko says it's a good idea!" Arcee scoffed sarcastically.

"Nobodies saying it'll be easy, but you've seized a space bridge before!" Jack insisted.

I blinked. They have?

"We blew one up." Bulk countered, "That's a whole lot different."

"We also don't know where the Decepticons have the Bridge located." Bee added.

"Bee's right. We'd have to find the thing first."

Miko pointed her finger to the ceiling, "Uh, hello! If it's a space bridge, isn't it??"

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