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Arcee pulled into base and I quickly got off the bike, slipping off the helmet as Jack did. He stepped back and watched Arcee transform, smiling lightly before setting his helmet off to the side. Shaking my head to snap myself out of staring at him for no real reason, I turned to see Raf pulling out extra remote racing cars from his bag.

"I snuck these to school today so we could race each other for real today!" He announced happily, "This'll be way cooler than any old racing game, promise!"

"No promise needed." Jack replied, quickly walking over, "Hand me a controller."

"Me too! Get prepared to eat my dust, Raf!"

Raf smirked, and I quickly realized he did this not to have a special bonding moment with everyone, but to relish in another one of his easy wins, naming him the true 'best of all of us' once again. He could outsmart us, and outrace us, anyday.

It simply didn't feel fair, that a kid so small and so young and so... inexperience, technically, could do such things.

"Alyona, you gonna play too?" Raf asked.
I hesitated. I wanted to play, just a little, but I knew in the end the defeat would be too much to bear.

"I think I'll pass for today. Good luck though, Jack, Miko."

"Good luck to me? HA!" Miko wheezed, "Give it to the ladies!"

Jack blinked, "D-did you just call us ladies-"

"Ready!" Bee buzzed, and Raf quickly adjusted his grip on the controller, the other two doing the same. Miko even bent her knees into a fighting position and narrowed her eyes on the road.

"We'll take a lap around the base and finish by that line over there!" Raf instructed, "Just follow my lead!"

"GO!" Bee cheered.

I can't believe Raf really just said 'follow my lead'. He knew he was going to win two days ago when he thought this might be a fun idea. Now he's just living his dreams.

"PRIME!" Fowler screamed through the interface, "Do you read me?"

"I'm sorry agent Fowler, Optimus isn't here at the moment."

"Then I'll take that as a confirmation that he's presently trying to run me off the road!"

My arms uncrossed "What?"

Ratchet kept his cool, "Agent Fowler, that hardly seems likely."

"Tell that to my burning treds!"

"We have to go and assess the situation then." I insisted, "Now!"

Arcee turned to face me, her eyes flickering behind me for a second, probably to Jack, before back to me, "You thinking what I'm thinking?"

I narrowed my eyes, "I'm always thinking about that."

I grabbed my helmet and Jack yelled after me, but everyone ignored it. I jumped onto Arcee as she transformed and Ratchet opened a bridge.

"Come on, bring the speed." I whispered, knowing she heard, "I need to get close!"

If my father got as far into his research as I could easily assume he did, teaming up with the decepticons along the way, then it wouldn't have been very hard for him to find a look-alike model of Optimus' vehicle mode so that he could torment Fowler to finding more auto bots.

He'd seen Fowler's face before, so he was a prime target, and the dark of the stormy day wasn't helping Optimus' criminal record, false allegation or not.

I glared up ahead, finally seeing the two cars come into view, Fowlers run down vehicle had crashed into the side of the bridge and was barely hanging onto the edge, the supposed Optimus Prime in vehicle form was pushing him over slowly.

Transformers - Beyond What Meets The Eye - A 1215 FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now