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At the school, I was almost late to my class, but made it just in time. I tied my hair up at my desk and pulled out a notepad, reminding myself my name was Elaine for the millionth time.

As the teacher droned on, I tried not to let the exhaustion get to me. If I was caught falling asleep in class, who knows what this man would do? Just the other day he threw a pencil point first like a dart right at Nick's head because he was tossing cookies over my head to his friend on the other side of me, JP.

Who names their child John Patrick anyways? And then insists on calling them JP? It sounds like he made up his own street name because he wants to be a rapper.

Even though I didn't fall asleep, I still hardly remembered anything that was said, and I didn't take as many notes as I probably should have. I stood as the bell wrung and grabbed my bag, quickly swerving out of the classroom before everyone else.

I stretched my neck as I walked, weaving through different forming groups of friends and kids stopping at their lockers. This might as well be part of a military training regimine, to run as fast as you can through this hall without killing yourself tripping over someone.


And, get out without getting stopped by an asshole.

The voice was very familiar, even though I've really only heard it once in the three weeks I've been here. He grabbed my arm before I could turn around and I recoiled, stepping back from him,

"Don't touch me." I snarled, and he scoffed a laugh.

"Why? Scared? You still haven't paid me back for my drink that you spilled everywhere! I had to clean that shit up, you know!"

"I apologize, but I don't carry cash on me."

"Well then make some! Women like you belong in a kitchen, right?"

I hardened my glare, he was really testing my patience, "Go cry about it to your mom, Vincent."
I retorted, making him gap, "I don't have time to sit here and listen to you whine."

I turned around, leaving him looking like he'd run out of things to say. He really should have planned farther ahead if he wanted to best me for some dollar and fifty sense to pay for a dumb drink. He was clearly just trying to humiliate me like I did to him, a petty attempt at revenge-

"Let me guess!" He yelled over the crowd, "The little pussy cat Jack Darby paid you to make a fool of me, huh?! I'm not stupid, you know! At the end of the day at least I have a mom and a dad to run home to!"

My eyes widened. My first thought was how the hell he figured out I didn't have a mom. But then, I saw Jack.

He was standing about fifteen feet away from me, frozen in his place. We would have passed in the halls without even noticing if Vince wasn't screaming like a banshee, but he was desperate for the last word.

Jack looked just as horrified as I figured I did, when everything sunk in, down to my bones. I felt the muscles in my arm burn with anger.

All this time, the reason he hated me the most was because he'd always been looked down on. At school, he was nothing, but with the auto bots he had purpose. When I came in and suddenly had to hang my head at his mercy and ask for forgiveness, he didn't trust me not because I failed to stand up for him, but because he was probably afraid I had a selfish, obnoxious personality like Vince because of my privilege.

When he told me to stay away from Vince and ignore him, it was because he didn't want this to happen.

He was worried about himself, just like me. We could understand each other now.

Transformers - Beyond What Meets The Eye - A 1215 FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now