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The next day, I took my bike to school early. I walked around the halls and just studied the places I'd never yet been to. If I had been here since grade 9, I would have probably been all around the school taking different kinds of classes and meeting different kinds of people. Because I was a late transfer, and going to graduate sooner than later, I really only had one set of classes to follow, which means I was only on the second floor unless I was in the gym. I only saw the same people, and used the same bathroom. I even snuck into the boys bathroom just to see what it looked like. It was gross, and I didn't stay there long.

The woman who came in before everyone else to open the main office greeted me when she saw me wrap back around. I think she was worried about me.

"You're here super early! Something going on today?"

"I have a test." I blurted, which was true, but I feel like it's not really the reason I came early.

"Oh, came to get some extra studying in, huh?"


But... I'm not studying for the test.

I walked off and sat in the library for a while, looking at the fluorescent lights above me. Half of them should probably be replaced, but I'm sure they would never even bother to think about replacing things here unless they exploded.

My mind was quiet, just like my streak of dreams recently. A blank darkness, empty and kind of lonely. I still wasn't sure if I preferred this to the constant noise from before.

I stayed in the library until the first warning bell went off. Walking to my first class, I sat through it quietly and just kind of watched the clock. The teacher was playing a movie, and handed out a worksheet, but I didn't bother to even write my name down on it. Once the bell went, I stood with my bag and slipped out of the room first. Jack texted me a moment later as I headed down the hall, stuck behind a slow group of giggling 6'3" hockey boys.

"The test was easy." I mumbled as I read.

I trusted Jack, but at the same time I really wasn't sure what his 'not so bad' was compared to mine, or, compared to Raphael's. If Raf told me a test was easy I'd be a little worried. If he told me it was hard I would know I was about to go through an existential crisis and probably feel like an illiterate fraud all for a highschool unit test. If Miko told me a test was easy, I'd scoff and know I was about to ace the shit out of it, and if she told me it was hard, I would still hardly be worried. Jack seems to be somewhere in the middle...

I'll be just fine, then.

I sat down in my seat, the teacher was quickly going around and placing the tests face down on the desks. A few kids from the period before were still finishing, legs bouncing. It was a history test. It couldn't be that hard, just a few multiple choice fact and date questions, and then an essay portion, which is usually relatively hard to fail completely unless you're an absolute idiot.

The second bell went and the teacher went over the structure and how much time we had, and then we began. I got through the multiple choice easily and then flipped the page to the long answer. I moved my neck to the side, stretching as I read the question. It was asking me to describe military weapons and techniques used in World War II. I swallowed, and everything started slowing down.

I set my pencil down. I could talk for hours about military weaponry, the possibilities and the vast future ahead of us. I could talk about it with passion, the same passion my father used to have. A passion that made his eyes shimmer, a passion I wanted to follow, before it morphed into obsession and made my only father a power hungry gremlin of a man who dropped his humanity somewhere along the tightrope he was walking. The only difference between me and him, is that when I fell off the tightrope, someone caught me.

Transformers - Beyond What Meets The Eye - A 1215 FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now