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We really had no other option left. Everyone had to deal with the circumstances, and moved accordingly to allow Megatron into the base. But, that didn't stop everyone from complaining before he actually stepped through.

"How could you even think of bringing that monster anywhere near these children after what he did to Raf?!" June cried, placing a hand on Rafael's shoulder, I turned my eyes away from the boy to the front.

To the spot Megatron would no doubt walk through minutes from now.

"He will be closely monitored." Optimus assured, "And only allowed to linger long enough to send us on our journey. Not one moment more."

I pursed my lips, and ran to my bag. I'd kept all my gear here since my suspension, and even though I never thought I'd have any real need to use this, I wanted to use it more than anything else right now. But I couldn't go to the Earth's core with them, as I wouldn't survive the pressure, let alone anything else.

I bounded down the steps and up to Bee, tapping his shin, he kneeled down in front of me.

"I want you to take this with you." I began, stepping up on a leverage point on his foot to get reach higher up.

I hooked it up to his chest plate, making sure it was secure, "The battery should last up to 24hours. Hopefully you won't be gone longer than that. Once you get back, I'll have everything that you've seen recorded on video."

He nodded, standing up and adjusting it to make sure it wouldn't fall off, "I'll take good care of it."

"Thanks, Bee."

As I stepped back, Optimus turned from conversing with the others to the auto bots.

"If human lives are in danger, I have no choice but to proceed. But you, do."

"Well, I don't know about human kind, but I'm willing to do it. For Miko."

"For Jack."

"For Raf." Bee buzzed in addition, and then, as my eyes hardened upon the ground bridge, I heard his voice more clearly through the static of his speech than ever before, "And Alyona."

With a curt nod between Optimus and Ratchet, us humans were ordered to take cover out of the area in case it could spite Megatron in any way, but we stayed close around the corner to watch.

Seeing him now, it was completely different from when I first laid eyes on him in the mine.

In an odd way, he was gorgeous. Much like Optimus, he stood with pride and no one could ever doubt the weight and importance of his command to the decepticons.

My father couldn't even hold a candle to Megatron, in every way possible.

His steps were light, he moved gently and carefully. Maybe that's only because he knew he was on thin ice right now, but maybe it wasn't. He knew his strength, his limits, he was smart enough to know he needed Optimus' help to defeat Unicron and is humbling himself to do so.

"So." He began, and I couldn't even blink, "This is where the magic happens."

Within a second of his entrance, Raf ran out behind the corner causing everyone to quickly run after him to grab him. He was more angry than anything, probably wanting to face the man who almost killed him, but that wouldn't get him what he was looking for.

Facing fears doesn't automatically make someone fearless.

I followed them as well, even though I shouldn't have.

"Ah. You're looking much better the last time we met, little one." Megatron smiled lightly,

"Humans. Resilient."

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