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The battle didn't stop. They let us out of the pods and Ratchet was screaming in defiance of Optimus' decision. Everyone stood with heavy hearts, just listening.

My bag was gone. So were my knives. All I had on me was my clothes and my wind breaker and a pair of combat boots—and war was over our heads. The bases alarm systems cut Ratchet's rant right off and the ground shivered under the weight of heavy, fast movement outside.

The Decepticons had located the base and were acting in retaliation. Fowler called in, fighter jets had been deployed and he was one of them. An evacuation order was put in place. The only option left for us now was to retreat... but for what? What were they to keep fighting for after this?

I grabbed the extra bag I'd always left by the couch, with some of Raf's and I's studies, extra supplies and luckily some cash, and a single granola bar. I passed some sanitary pads to Miko and then I approached Smoke Screen. He knelt to me, and my mind raced. I bit my lip.

"Why didn't you give up the keys?" I asked again. His eyes softened ever so slightly and so I raised my voice, "Answer me!"

"Because giving them up and letting you die would go against everything we've been fighting for! Don't you get it, Alyona? There's always another way!"

"Even now?" I whispered.

"Even now." He replied earnestly.

I took a deep breath and my head finally cleared. "Do you have a plan?"

"I have an idea. Can you go with Bee?"

"Yes." I replied, adjusting my grip on my bags strap, "And Smoke Screen?"


"You're the greatest soldier I've ever met. Charge into your destiny and save us all."

I saluted him and turned on my heel, walking fast towards Bee. I waited for Raf to shove his laptop in his bag as Bumble Bee transformed.

"Alyona." Jack called out, reaching for me but not touching me, "Where are you going?"

"With Raf. I can't leave him all alone."

"Yeah, yeah, that makes sense." He swallowed, "Um... I... we can't have open communications while we're away so..."

"I know." I replied, frowning, "But we'll see each other again."

"I just—.'

"Jack." I quickly said, "Don't do this now. Please."

"I'm sorry. I... Just stay safe out there."

"I will. I'll keep Raf safe."

Arcee yelled over the shaking and explosions from outside. We didn't have any more time.

Jack pulled on his helmet and stumbled back towards Arcee, "We'll find you! Me and Arcee! I promise!"

I pursed my lips as my eyes squinted in pain, "I know you will. Goodbye, Jack."

I turned and slid into the drivers seat of the Camaro beside me and Bee shut the door. He pressed the gas and sped through the ground bridge and out to an open road on the other side of the country. He didn't slow down. No one looked back.

Raf was in some kind of shock, he wasn't saying a word. From being cornered by Decepticons, watching Miko and I go down hard, getting kidnapped and put up for ransom, and then being forced to leave his home town with only Bumble Bee and myself all in maybe a few hours, I couldn't blame him.

Five hours in, Bumble Bee found a similar car model with a different paint job and modified his appearance to all black with yellow accents. He had the boldest appearance in comparison to other cars, so any Decepticons looking for him specifically would pass right over him now.

Transformers - Beyond What Meets The Eye - A 1215 FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now