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Because of the rising decepticon activity, the auto bots were far busier than usual, and Arcee let me know right before a mission the next day that she wouldn't be able to pick up Jack from work.

I rose a brow in confusion as she smiled at me expectantly, "Why are you telling me this?"

"I figured you could pick him up for me." She suggested, resulting in my very obvious hesitancy, "Come on. It'll be a good opportunity for you guys to just talk. I think you need it."

"With all do respect-"

"Wish me luck!" She waved as she stepped into a run, transforming with the others and racing through the ground bridge without another word.

Now I felt obligated, and the last thing I wanted was to disappoint the people I was still working to gain trust and good friendships with. If I hoped to continue my studies on Cybertron and live a good, well worthy life here, picking up Jack from work when I'm probably the last person he wants to see shouldn't be hard at all.

I pulled up to the drive through, remembering how Jack was complaining a while back to Miko about how he was always put in this position.

I believe Miko was annoyed that her homestay parents wanted her to try part time work, and he quickly started to explain how horrid his job was. He definitely helped her avoid the suffering, whatever kind of suffering this might be.

But really, how much worse could this part time job at a fast food outlet be from being a soldier, or a high schooler?

"Hello, welcome to- hey you can't just skip..."

Jack lost his voice as he recognized me through the helmet, "What are you doing here?"

"I'm sorry for coming unannounced. Arcee is busy, so she asked me to come instead."

He sighed, and then glanced behind him before turning back to me, "You gonna order something?"

"Oh, um, sure. Just a milkshake."

"Vanilla or chocolate?"


"You sure that's all you want? We got a deal on our double cheese burgers right now."

I paused, glancing over at the menu beside the window. For some reason, even though I hadn't been eating much, I didn't feel hungry when I looked at the food.

"No, I'm good."

"Alright." He huffed, punching it into the computer in front of him, "That'll be three fifty."

I shoved my hand into my jacket pocket and pulled out some spare change, handing it to him, he turned to put it in the register and I revved the engine, "You're done at five thirty, right?"

"Yeah." He grumbled, another person coming up behind him to hand me the drink.

"Thanks." I nodded to them, before turning back to Jack, "I'll be waiting out front."

He didn't say anything, but as I drove away I heard him yell after me, "Wait! Your change!"

Jack sat down on the curb beside me with a heavy sigh, throwing his dumb hat off his head and running his fingers through his hair. It was silent for a while, awkward but tolerable.

I took a look at him from the corner of my eye, worried he was making annoyed and uncomfortable faces, looking for a way out. But he was just looking at the curb, one elbow resting on his raised knee, the other leg flat out in front of him. He was playing with his thumbs.

"How was your shift?" I asked.

He cleared his throat, "Boring. Uh... slow. But, it's been worse."

"I see. Are you friends with any of your coworkers?"

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