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Learning my father was still alive wasn't as bad as learning how he was still alive. Realizing his men, just as sick as him, had fused him to Breakdown's body to make him half cybertronian, set a weight in me heavier than the others.

Wouldn't that be painful? Or did he even feel pain anymore? Did he think of me when he woke up?

I could still smell Jack, just barely, laying in my bed at Fowler's place. Usually I would stay at the base as long as possible, but currently I had no intention of going back. I took a day off school, just to battle with my own thoughts. Everytime I tried to stop thinking about my father I thought about Jack. I thought about the way he held onto me, and how I wished he held me tighter.

I pressed my head into the pillow farther, shutting my eyes.

Then, something banged on the window.

I shot up, eyeing the shut curtains and waiting. Another bang, a bit lighter this time. Now that I was paying attention, I could hear muffled voices. Slowly, I got onto my knees and readied myself for the worst, opening the curtain to look out the window.


I grimaced for a second at the volume, before realizing who that was.

I quickly opened the window, "Smokescreen?! What are you?!"

"I got myself into trouble. Again." He admitted openly, holding up his hand, Jack stood shakily with a grin,

"So, you and I have to teach him how to drive!"

I held my breath, lost for words. It doesn't make any sense that Optimus would specifically request me to also be one of Smokescreens teachers. There was no doubt in my mind that Jack was the only one asked, just like he was the only one directly asked when a base tour was suggested.

He's inviting me on his own accord.

"Come on! The city road awaits!" Smoke smiled, "I'm excited to learn more of your human rules."

Finally, I felt a smile edge its way on my face. Sure he is, until he realizes human rules aren't up to his speed.

"Alright, just give me a moment to get dressed."

"Right on!"

Smokescreen was transformed and waiting with Jack in the drivers seat when I came around to the passengers side. I sat down and pulled on my seat belt, and Smoke hit the gas.

"Why weren't you at base with the others, Aly?"

Aly? I thought, repeating the nickname in my head a few times as I considered how I'd answer.

"I... slept in."

I could feel Jack eyeing me from the side, his hands on the wheel but his feet so obviously not on the pedals.

Smokescreen didn't push any farther, and Jack poked at the radio a few times, Smoke complaining about every other song or channel that came on. Eventually, Jack just huffed and turned it off again.

"Fine. Let's just go over some basics."

"Alright! Bring it on!"

"I guess the most important thing is stop signs and intersections. We have those so that the flow of traffic is steady and mostly fair, so that accidents on the road are prevented."

"Accidents?" Smoke asked.

"People crashing into each other, or running over pedestrians."

"Okay. So how does this intersection thing work?"

"Right. Stop signs are pretty straight forward, right, you see a big red sign that says 'stop' so you stop. But at intersections, there's no words, just coloured lights. Green means you're clear to go. Yellow signals you to start slowing down, and then the light turns red. Red means you have to stop, no matter what, and wait till the light turns green again."

Transformers - Beyond What Meets The Eye - A 1215 FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now