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We got up and washed up, and by then Fowler came in with take out for breakfast. Apparently, he'd been up half the night with the auto bots forging a plan to retaliate. I remembered this meeting beginning briefly, after the auto bots had taken a significant break ordered by Ratchet, to clear their heads. We must have fallen asleep quicker than I thought.

As Jack and I ate together, Miko and Raf came in to meet up and beg for an update. Despite being up, Fowler was in a decent mood. He had faith, so he told Miko about what they'd been discussing.

They weren't just taking back the omega keys, they were going to take the omega lock on Cybertron. The battle front finally returns to their home planet.

"So... you guys might really be going home soon, huh?" Raf asked.

"Don't worry Raf, you'll come visit!" Miko cheered, turning to Bulk Head "Once we get our place set up, he can bunk with us."

Bulk Head looked panicked, "Uh..."

"You are taking me with you, right?!"

"Aren't we getting ahead of ourselves? We still lack a method of reaching Cybertron. Not only that, but Star Scream now controls the sole means of our planets restoration."

"As far as we know." Optimus nodded.

"Do you think Star Scream's rejoined the cons?" Smoke Screen asked.

"He could have used the keys to gain back Megatron's favour." Arcee agreed.

Ratchet scoffed, "Without first trying to sell them to the highest bidder? I wouldn't be surprised if he—."

The computers ringtone rang throughout the base, a small light beeping on the monitor to gain our attention along with it. Ratchet quickly checked, silent for a moment too long. Arcee asked if it was Star Scream again, maybe things didn't work out with Megatron... but it was Dread Wing.

"Dread Wing?" I asked.

"A newer addition to Megatron's Earth fleet." Bee explained.

"He was made second in command after Star Scream got kicked out." Arcee added, "Powerful. Loyal... which makes this far more concerning than getting a message from Star Scream."

"Are you gonna go?" Jack asked.

Optimus still had a distant look, as if he was hanging onto his last strand of hope, "We will leave immediately. Auto Bots, roll out!"

Ratchet opened a ground bridge and I stood beside Raf by the computer, watching carefully. They came back with nothing but a hammer, and the confidence to officially win back their planet. Optimus already knew where the omega lock was, and was waiting for the right time to weaponize that knowledge. Now was that time.

As the auto bots worked quickly to formulate a plan for how to use the hammer, an ancient tool of creation, Raphael brought us human minors back to reality.

"We have school tomorrow." Raphael finally said, watching Bee stretch.

"You go if you want. I am not missing this." Miko replied, crossing her arms.

Jack sighed, "Uh... I'm not sure we have a choice."

We looked up together to Ratchet, who had his arms crossed, "Time to go home."

"But we just got here!!" Miko wailed.

"You did not! You've been here for an hour!"

"That is literally nothing—" Miko shut up at the sound of the ground bridge activating. Look like an hour was more than enough for Ratchet tonight, not to mentioned Jack and I literally slept over last night.

Transformers - Beyond What Meets The Eye - A 1215 FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now