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"Why the late entry, if you don't mind me asking, Alyona?" Smoke asked as I turned to lead the way.

Jack sputtered, "Well, there were some things that-"

"I came to the military to turn an enemy organization in."

"Wow. Impressive." Smoke's voice turned from stoic to prideful, like I was warming up to him, "It takes a lot to do something so dangerous."

"The organization I turned in was my fathers." I continued, shutting my eyes for a moment, "He's since been... dealt with."

"I see. I'm gonna guess this is something of a... switching sides?"

"You can look at it that way." Jack quickly stepped in, "Have you ever seen a Decepticon become an Auto Bot before, Smoke Screen?"

"I've heard of it. But I've also heard it was never easy for them. The Auto Bot's back on Cybertron weren't near as nice as this team is right now."

"Really?" Jack smiled as he thought, "Actually, that's not surprising. Arcee's a bit softer now."

"Arcee is soft, now?" Smoke wheezed, "I'm glad I'm not meeting her before the soft phase, then."

Jack and I gave each other a look, and then laughed together. I continued on the tour and Smoke followed about ten feet behind us, probably nervous about our size differences. I pointed out the directions to areas that would be beneficial for him to remember, and then we ended up in the hall where they'd been keeping their prizes from the most recent race of missions.

"Phase shifter." Jack pointed out, "Spark extractor, Immobilizer."

"This is where we store the Cybertronian relics we've been finding buried on Earth." I explained.

"And talk about a small universe, cause most of them are from-"

"The Iacon Hall of records. I remember these."

Smoke Screen stared into the garage holding the phase shifter. The idea that there used to be more than one of these things makes calling them relics feel wrong.

"What was it like, before the war? Do you remember?" I asked gently.

"It's hard to remember. I was young when it started. But... when I asked Alpha Tyrion, he only said it was like a glowing silver, instead of a dull gray."

I could feel Jack's eyes on us, and I decided not to ask anymore. Clearing my throat, I turned and we continued down the hall. Smokescreen took a moment to look at Arachnids current prison. Arcee had trapped her not too long ago, and they kept her here in a stasis pod. There really wasn't anywhere else to put her, given the lack of funding the team had for a prison built to hold such powerful beings. Arachnid saved my life, in a way... but doing one good thing doesn't make you a good person.

"Come on." I said before anyone could look too long, "Let's keep going. We have yet to show you the scars from the scraplet attack."

"The what?!" The new bot screeched, freezing in his tracks, "Did-did you just say—."

I laughed, "Are they really that scary?"

"Yes!" Jack and Smoke yelled together, and I smirked as the mood finally lifted.

I guided the group back to the front instead, where Optimus was discussing orders that needed to be relayed to Fowler from a recent discovery in the mines. Smokescreen's excitement spiked when he realized the conversation revolved around a new mission, but Optimus insisted he stay behind.

"We autobots live on this planet as robots in disguise. You will need to obtain an earth based vehicle mode."

"In order to maintain a low profile." Arcee added, "If that's possible for you."

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