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"Before the beginning, there was Primus. And, there was Unicron. One the incarnation of creation, the other of destruction. For eons Primus and Unicron battled the balance of power shifting between them more times than could be counted. Only by creating the thirteen, the original primes that preceded me, was Primus finally able to defeat Unicron and cast him out. Primus became one with the very core of our planet, creating life through the Well of All Sparks, while Unicron was never to be heard from again. Until now."

Fowler slammed his fist on the rail, "Maybe we can find the hole this uber con left when he dug himself all the way down there, and fill it full of explosives."

"Agent Fowler, I do not believe that Earth became Unicron;s home. But rather that, with time and gravitational force, debris collected around the slumbering Titan."

"Forming your Earth." Ratchet added.

"And he's only awakening now due to the magnetic pull from the planetary alignment." Arcee concluded.

"So what happens when Unicron wakes up from his billion year nap?"

"Yeah!" Miko chimed in, "Does he stretch and Kapow! Earth poofs to dust?"

Optimus just looked back at her, which wasn't very settling to everyone. He had no idea, no one did, because the prophecy was simple and generic, like poetry you had to decipher in an English Literature class. You'd never know the real meaning, you could only guess.

"My guess is that Unicron has transcended physical form as we know it." Optimus replied, though his eyes didn't seem to meet any of ours, "Nonetheless, we must find a way to ensure that this force of nature never fully awakens. The fate of your planet depends upon it."

Fowler sighed, "So what's the first step?"

Optimus and Ratchet conversed, being the only ones old enough to know enough about the legends to make any good estimates. Optimus decided to travel to several different locations and search for any other suspicious rises of activity that could lead him to Unicron, or give clues to his exact location. Unfortunately in this case, my grandparents' research fell short. They never got far enough to see something like this, and they probably never would of even if they did meet a cybertronian at the time.

Once Ratchet had mapped out all of the locations and began to whir up the ground bridge, it was already past midnight.

"Alright everyone." Fowler called out, turning to fix his tie, "It's time to get some shut eye."

Miko yawned, "No way! I wanna watch everything that happens."

Bulkhead didn't respond, gently picking her up from his shoulder and setting her on the ground with the rest of us.

"I'm serious. You can't be at your best when we might need you most if you don't have enough sleep." Fowler continued, "Now go rest. There should be some extra sleeping pads around here somewhere... Alyona?"

"Yeah, I know where they are." I replied, already walking off to the storage room, "Uh... Jack, wanna help me carry some back?"


Optimus headed out to the first location and Jack and I bounced down the stairs, the male following me quietly to a hallway full of compartments. Most were empty, but one was stocked full of old, unneeded shelter gear for humans.

I stepped inside and Jack followed, letting out a hefty exhale at the sight of everything, "Damn, there's a lot in here."

"Even food." I added happily, getting a small laugh from him.

"What kind of food, exactly?"

"You know, add water."

He didn't reply and I stopped, turning from pulling out a sleeping pad back to see his face. He looked horrifyingly confused.

Transformers - Beyond What Meets The Eye - A 1215 FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now