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Being married into a polygamous marriage is not something she grew up thinking she would want, she was born from royalty and she knew there would be a possibility of that, but she never thought it would really happen. When Qhawe courted her, she didn’t take him serious because he was a well known king and she didn’t think he would be interested in her. She knew he was married, but she couldn’t help herself. He swooped her away either his charm, Qhawe used to be good looking back then, not that he isn’t now, but it’s not the same.
Knowing that she was marrying another woman’s husband didn’t sit well with her, she wanted to be the only one. But Qhawe didn’t want to hear it, he loved Sindiswa and he told her point blank that he would rather leave her than leave Sindiswa. She saw that she was fighting a losing battle and accepted being the second wife. She was shocked to find out that Sindiswa didn’t have a baby yet, and she knew she had to do something. The first born had to come from her and that’s how Mkhonto came about. All her life, she has been grooming Mkhonto and preparing him for the throne. He will make a good King. Qhawe will retire soon and it will be up to Mkhonto to be the new King. She would be so proud, and would get the title of “Queen mother”, not the nonsense she is right now. The first wife gets most of the benefits, Sindiswa gets to travel with Qhawe to some of his meetings, and she can make decisions about the kingdom on behalf of Qhawe. It makes her sick, because Sindiswa acts like she doesn’t even care about this family. She is always cooping herself in her house, she doesn’t come to them in the main house. She thinks she’s better than them.

She watches as Solwazi is brushing Zizipho’s hair and clicks her tongue.

She goes inside to Mkhonto.

Kholo:Why don’t you ever play with your sister?

Mkhonto:Which sister?

Kholo:Thembeka. I’ve never seen you bonding with her.

Mkhonto sighed.

Mkhonto:Let me guess, you saw Solwazi playing with Zizipho and now you want me to do the same with Thembeka?

Kholo:Well she is your sister.

Mkhonto:And I know that.

Kholo:I’m your mother Mkhonto, I know best. You should stop being stubborn. You won’t get far as a king if you have this attitude.

Mkhonto:Haaa there we go again! Mkhonto king this and that. Can’t I just get a breather!? Jeez!!

He walked out and left her there.
Khethi came in the room.


Kholo:Ungalinge ungjwayele kabi wena! (Don’t take me for a ride).

Khethi:Jeez, don’t be so uptight mnaks.

Kholo:I am older than you Khethi, you seem to forget that.

Khethi:We are married to the same man, so age doesn’t matter between us.

Kholo:You won’t last in this marriage wena I tell you. You think you will handle Qhawe!? You must be mistaken. There are still going to be cold days where you won’t see him for a month and he will be busy with his royal things. In this family, only the throne matters the most to him. He cares less about any of us. I don’t know why you think you are any different. He doesn’t even know his own children. How much more do you think he will forget about you?

She said that and walked away. She’s not entirely a bad person and what she just said didn’t come from a bitter place, she is advising her. They are used to it, Qhawe spends more time caring for his kingdom than his family. The man is always promising to change and do better but one week later he is back to it. Words have even run out, she’s tired of complaining about the same thing over and over again. She might as well just focus on her children. She’s too old anyway, she doesn’t need that much affection.

Being home with his sister and mother was refreshing. It’s always good to be around them. He stays alone in Durban, so sometimes it gets lonely for him. He wishes his mother could take up his offer and come with him. But knowing the older generation, they never want to leave their toxic relationships. They stay, mostly because they say they are doing it for the kids.
He vows that should he get married and have children, he will definitely do a better job than his  father. His father is a failure and it’s not even funny. It doesn’t hurt anymore like it used to. He has completely disowned him from his heart.

He sees him walking to his mother’s house and he wonders what he wants.



Qhawe:I would like to talk to you.

Solwazi:Oh okay.

He followed him to his office in the main house.
He closed the door and they sat down.
Mkhonto was already here.

Solwazi:So what is this about?

Qhawe:I would like to talk to you my sons.

Mkhonto:We are listening.

Qhawe:I’m getting old, you can see that. Soon, I’ll have to step down and hand over the ropes to you Mkhonto.

Mkhonto sighed bored. He wishes he was not royalty. He is not King material.

Qhawe:Mkhonto I need to talk to you about your wife, you know she is a commoner and you are going to need an heir some day who will take over from you.

Mkhonto:I’m not taking a second wife. Forget it.

Qhawe:It’s what is right.

Mkhonto:Right for who? You or me? I don’t even care about the throne that much.

Qhawe:We have to make sacrifices at some point. Lisa knows this, and you know it.

Mkhonto:After seeing how badly you are treating your first wife no I will pass. I don’t want to put my wife through the pain you are inflicting on Mamkhulu.

He stood up and walked out. Qhawe looked at Solwazi who shrugged his shoulders.
She left the royal house to visit her boyfriend. It’s forbidden for her to even have a boyfriend who’s not from royalty but it’s the sneaking around that makes it fun. And she thinks the royal rules are just too much sometimes!
They are in bed with her man, Solanda and he is holding her close.

Solanda:I wish we could go public about us. I love you Thembeka and I’m tired of hiding.

Thembeka:I love you too babe, but my dad would freak out.

Solanda:What if they arrange a husband for you? I’m scared.

Thembeka:We are not a family of arranged marriages, so you don’t have to worry about that. Just be patient babe.

Solanda:Because I love you, I will.
At Qhawe’s office.

Qhawe:I don’t know what to do or say to Mkhonto anymore.

Solwazi:Maybe you should talk to him and listen to him instead of always telling him about the throne.

Qhawe:I was not given a chance to think. It was given to me.

Solwazi:We are supposed to be the better versions of our parents. Mkhonto doesn’t know anything from you other than you always telling him that he will be king.

Qhawe:Solwazi, I understand that my children are not liking me at the moment.

Solwazi laughed at that “at the moment”.

Solwazi:At the moment?

Qhawe:What should I do then?

Solwazi:Are you seriously asking me how to be a father? It’s too late for that dad. Very late. We needed your love and presence when we were young but you were never available for that. We had to manage without you and we are doing just fine. Maybe you should just give the throne to another family.


He said that out loud.

Solwazi:I was kidding jeez.

Qhawe:Solwazi there are many secrets about the origin of the throne that none of you know. That throne shouldn’t be vacant, my time to be king is running out. Which is why I need Mkhonto to accept this and do what’s right.

Solwazi looked at him and how serious he was.

Solwazi:Okay, I will talk to him.

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