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Looking at his mother's reaction, he doesn't know what to think. He doesn't want to think that his mother could have lied to them. She can't have known that Sipho was alive all these years.


Sindiswa clears his throat and looks at him.

Sindiswa:Yes I saw his body.

Solwazi:Are you sure?

Sindiswa:Yes. Now please excuse me.

She quickly walked away.
He sighed and went back to his bedroom. He asked Luyanda to send him all the details for Sipho.. If he's really alive, then he's selfish, no excuses. He knows he has a daughter yet he never tried to make any contacts with her! There's no reason as to why you could not keep in contact with your daughter. This will break Zee should she find out her father is alive, but they have to tell her. They have kept enough secrets from her.
The following day, he wasn't going to work today because he has to travel to Nqoboka and see this sick Mkhonto. He's still his brother, despite all that he's done.
He finds the family eating breakfast and he joins them and eats quietly.

Zizipho:Bhuti has your friend found anything?

He sighed.

Solwazi:Not yet.


Solwazi:I'm going to Nqoboka, will be back later. They say Mkhonto is sick.

Thembeka:*Worried* He is?

Solwazi:Yes but I will update you when I get back.

Thembeka:Can I go with you?

Solwazi:Yeah you can. Let's go.

In all honesty, she is not ready for all of this. She doesn't know what role she will play at the royal house. Nomzamo keep on saying she is a Queen but she doesn't see it. She doesn't know how to lead people, let alone a kingdom. She doesn't know anything about being royal. How will she learn it all in such a short period of time? Solwazi said she should work with her, but because of her stubbornness, she just said she's not ready. She could hear that he was bored of her slowness, but she is new at all of this. He has to understand.

She is preparing porridge for her mother.
She grabs a spoon and brings it to her.

Londi:Here's your breakfast.

Nontombi:Thank you my daughter.

She sits up and takes the bowl.
She could see her daughter was not okay.

Nontombi:What's wrong?

Londi:Solwazi said we need to go to Nqoboka and get ready to claim back the throne.

Nontombi:Well he's right.

Londi:I don't know if I'm ready for this ma.

Nontombi:You will never know until you try my baby.

Londi:I'm still young. I'm 24, I don't know if I can do this.

Nontombi:You can do it. If you leave this, you want to live the rest of your life regretting it? I know it's too much to take in and you are still confused, but taking the first step will make your journey easy. I've always been your number one cheer and motivator, I will never direct you to a devil's path.

Londi:Thanks mom. I don't know what I would do without you. I will call Solwazi and tell him we are coming by the weekend. So will we chase out those who are living there?

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