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# Sponsored by Shilder

At the hospital.

Sipho was rushed to the hospital as soon as the ambulance arrived.

Nozipho:He will be fine ma, I'm sure it was just shock.

She comforted her mother(Jabulile).

Jabu:I really hope so.

Zizipho sat next to them shyly. She was afraid of Jabu, she didn't know what she thought of her.
Jabu looked up at her and smiled.

Jabu:You're just his photocopy.

She laughs a little.

Jabu:I'm really stunned for words because all these years we thought you were gone, but I am glad to see you all grown up and beautiful like this. Your father talks about you everyday, he never accepted your "death". Thank you for finding him, it will give him great closure.

Zizipho sighed relieved, well at least she doesn't seem to not like her.

Zizipho:Thank you too, I know how we did things was not right but I was just so happy to see my dad.

Jabu:He will be alright.

She pulled her to her arms.
Sindiswa looked at her holding the girls' in her arms and she clicked her tongue. Jabu is just pretending, no woman would just love a child that she did not give birth to. She's just showing face, she won't allow Zizipho to get close to them. What if they hurt her daughter? She heard they don't play with muti pha ko Eastern Cape, bakuthakatha unye!(They bewitch you good!)

She was worried about Sipho. Maybe she let the excitement get to her, she wasn't supposed to hug him like that. She still respects his marriage.
A doctor walks toward them.

"Sipho Mceleli"

They go to him, ready to hear the news.

Jabu:How is my husband Doc?

"He is fine. He just suffered a mild heart attack due to shock. But he will be okay. We will keep him overnight of course. You can go and see him, one person at a time"

Jabu:Thank you Doc. You can go Zee.

Sindiswa:I think I should be the one who goes first, because Zizipho is my daughter and I need to explain to him how everything happened.

Jabu gave her a side eye and motioned for Zizipho to go.
Zizipho left.

Sunset was saw by him. He couldn't wait to get out of Nqoboka. It hurts that there won't be anything romantic happening between him and Londi, but he won't force her to be with him if she doesn't want to. It's best he leaves before things start to get a bit awkward.
He has done his job after all, which was to return back the throne. He also needs to get back to living his own life. He has been so focused on this that he has forgotten he has a life on his own. He doesn't even want talk about her mother and sister, he doesn't know what's happening between them. He hasn't found the time to call them.
He calls Thembeka and tells her that they are leaving.

She didn't mean to chase him out, she wasn't chasing him out. She just asked for a bit of space until she settles down. Solwazi is a good man, and any woman would be lucky to have him as a partner. But this is just not the right time for relationships. She has a lot of work to do and she doesn't even know where to start nor begin. Solwazi promised that he would guide and be with her through everything, but there he goes. He is leaving her.

Nontombi:I hear that Solwazi is leaving. What's going on?

Londi:We had a misunderstanding yesterday.

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