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# Sponsored by Vuyiseka


He looked at his phone and sighed. That was weird. Phazama just told him the name of the Ntuli he's been looking for. He doesn't know whether to trust him or not, but he also doesn't want to leave a lead loose like this. He needs to get to her first before Madida does. That man is unpredictable, and no one knows his next step.
He sends a message to the PI they have been working with, he tells him the name and ask him to find whatever he could.
He replies that he will get back to him in four to five hours.
He goes back inside with a little hope that they are getting somewhere..
The mood inside was just bitter. Khethi looked like she was in her own world, far away, Thembeka was trying to cheer up everyone but it wasn't working. His mother and sister were nowhere to be seen..

He proceeds to his room too and tries to get some sleep. He's tired, he hasn't slept for days and his soul is just not at peace. He can't help but feel like he will fail, he thinks he won't ever find this woman and he will fail everyone. The Ntuli ancestors trust in him to bring back what belongs to them, but he doesn't have much hope that he will be successful. With an evil man like Madida walking around, it's hard to figure out what's his next move. That man doesn't care about anything else, other than destroying everything that gets in his way.

He drags Phazama's body all the way to his hut. He was not dead, but he was seriously hurt. He regrets taking it that far but he betrayed him. He heard the name he told Solwazi and he swears to get to the girl first.

Madida:You shouldn't have betrayed me!

He shouts at Phazama's unconscious body.

He hears footsteps and he figures it's Kholo.
She is shocked at the sight she sees.

Kholo:What happened!? What did you do to him!?

He sniffs and turns to her.

Madida:Mom... I don't know what's going on with me. Please help me. I think I killed him.. Please help me...

Kholo crouches next to him and pulls him to her arms.

Kholo:Shhh don't cry baby, we will fix this. Shhh....

Madida:I think he's dead.

Kholo:We will call a doctor for him and he will come. You didn't do anything wrong.

Madida:Thank you mom. I knew you would never leave me. You're the only one I have left. Everyone betrayed me and ran away.

Kholo:Don't worry about them. Let me go and call the doctor.

She kisses his cheek and walks out. Madida shrugs his shoulders and chuckles. She's so naive and it's not even funny. She's prepared to do anything for her son, even if it means condoning the bad things he does. He killed Ndlovu and she didn't see anything wrong with that, and now he almost killed Phazama and she still doesn't see anything wrong.

He walks out to the guards to send them to a mission..

Everyone is sad and morosed. She tried cheering up the mood but she failed. She ended up giving up and going about her things. She still needs to fix things with Solanda. She wishes she had a phone here and she would call him. She loves him and she misses him. An idea pops in her head and she runs to Solwazi.

Thembeka:Lwazi can you borrow me your phone? There's someone I want to call.

Solwazi:You can take this one, I don't use it. Who are you calling?

Thembeka:A friend.

She takes the phone and goes back to the room she's using. This house is big, she is glad she has her own room but she knows it's temporary because technically they are homeless. The royal house doesn't belong to them.

She is not used to the city life. It's all something new to her, the roads are too busy and what's with so many lights? She prefers the village life. They have everything they need there.
She needs a phone to call her mother and let her know what happened.
She honestly doesn't know what's her place in all this mess that's happening. She doesn't know what her place will be, seeing that they are not royalty after all. So all the seducing and plan making was a waste of time. Qhawe wasn't even a royal king. Nxa!
She feels the heat as she thinks how much she has wasted more than three months of her life. If she had picked another target to scam, none of this would have happened.

The PI finally got back to him, and luckily he gave him everything about Londiwe Ntuli. Now he knows where to find her. And he's going there now. He doesn't have any time to waste.
He tells his mother that he is heading out.
He looks at the address and drives to the place.

After about 40 minutes, he was there. It looked like a normal house. He sighs a little to see they at least have a roof over their head.
He stays in the car for a while observing. The yard looked quiet and there wasn't a single person walking around. The door was also closed.
He saw a taxi stop by the gate and a young woman got out. The taxi walked away. He looked at the woman and he matched the description the PI gave him. Early twenties, light skinned like him, a bit taller though. She was wearing a dress and flat shoes, exposing her fresh legs.
He silently whistles looking at her. Now that was a woman.
She had short hair, which suited her so perfectly.

She was now talking to another person still standing at the gate, and he could see her laughing so carefree.
He stopped out of the car to approach her.
He walked toward them but a man passed them and bumped against Londiwe, after that he ran away.
He frowned and continued walking towards them. He fastened his pace when he saw Londiwe holding her stomach. Her friend screamed and he reached them.

Solwazi:What happened?

"I think she was stabbed. She's bleeding", The friend said.
He panicked and held Londiwe before she could fall down.

Solwazi:Hey, don't close your eyes okay?

Londiwe looked at him and smiled with tears in her eyes.

Londiwe:You're so handsome. How old are you?

Solwazi:That doesn't matter, save your strength. I'm taking you to the hospital.

Londiwe realized what was happening and instantly panicked.

Londiwe:Oh God I'm gonna die! I'm gonna die! Zama I'm dying... I'm dying... God I know my life is useless but please don't... Let me die..

The amount of blood she was losing was too much.

Solwazi picked her up.

Zama:Hey where are you taking her?

Solwazi:To the hospital. Let's go. She needs help.

Zama:We don't even know you.

Londiwe:Zama shut up and come with us.

She surrendered and followed them to the car. Solwazi placed Londiwe on the back and instructed Zama to put pressure on her wound.

Solwazi:Hold on.
Madida throws the glass on the floor angrily. Why can't people just do the right thing!?
The guard just told him that he did stab Londiwe but he ran away without conforming if she's really dead.
He stands up but falls back to the chair when he feels something moving inside him.
That must be Mkhonto. It's been too long.
He feels like his head is about to explode and he screams out loud falling down. He gasps loudly with his mouth open, his eyeballs turns pure black and he rolls all over the floor. He fights the urge and struggles to stand up. He slaps himself repeatedly.

Madida:You're not coming out. Now now not ever! Die if you have to!
To be continued....

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