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Phazama follows Mkhonto outside and he leads him to another hut.

Mkhonto:It has never been used before. You can use this one.

Phazama nods.

Mkhonto:Do you have everything you need?

Phazama:Everything I need is in here.

He says patting his bag that he had crossed over his arm.

Phazama:Can I talk to him?




He closes his eyes, and his eyeballs get all black.

Phazama feels air blowing in the room and he knows it's him now.

Phazama:My king.


Phazama:Nice to have you back. My father would be so happy.

Madida:He is happy where he is.

Phazama:So what is our mission here?

Madida:This family is starting to ruin things. I didn't get this throne easily. I had to fight for it. I fought with everything I had, and now they just want to ruin everything. There are many of us who are with me, those that are against us will do nothing. Evil over good anytime.

Phazama:I see. Well I will do my part to make sure that Solwazi doesn't interrupt your plans.

Madida:Are sure about the king? Did this boy really kill him?

Phazama:He is no longer with us.

Madida:Perfect. Now let's get to work.
Sindiswa and Zizipho had to come back home after they heard the news. Both of them were in disbelief. It has been two weeks and there is nothing being said about finding Qhawe's body. They even had a funeral but they buried an empty casket, Mkhonto's orders. Sindiswa still has hope that her husband is alive somewhere somehow. She hopes that someone saved them and is nurturing them. He wasn't a good husband she knows, but she loved him. And she would be heart broken if there would be a real confirmation that he is really dead. She has been crying everyday, this is not the same as crying for Sipho. This was her husband they are talking about.
She seems to be the only wife who is mourning, Khethi and Kholo don't look like they are sad over their husband's departure.
Kholo is forever on Mkhonto's side, preparing for the big day when they ordain him as the king of Nqoboka Kingdom. You can see it on her face that wanting her son to be king is everything she ever wanted.
It bothers her why her son wasn't chosen to be king, but she doesn't want to start arguments with anyone. Royal wars tend to get messy and someone is bound to die.
Her brother lost his life years ago, they were fighting over the same thing, the throne, and her younger brother killed the older brother to be king. It's all ridiculous to her. People will do anything for power.

She stands up from the bed and goes to check on Zizipho.
She was in her room..


She lifts up her eyes and they were red. She sat next to her.

Sindiswa:How are you feeling?

Zizipho:I don't know. I'm hurt mom. And I blame myself for all the times I spent being angry at him instead of appreciating him. Now he's gone and I'll never have a chance to fix things with him again. I blame myself.

Sindiswa took her to her arms and comforted her. She let her cry. It's good to let out your pain, and not keep it inside.

Sindiswa:I believe your father is alive somewhere. I won't give up on that hope until I see his body. He can't have left us like this Zee. This can't be the end of the forever he promised us. He has to come back. He will come back. I believe.

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